Hey boys and girls, I have an idea! Why don't we all go over to Grim's house and eat popcorn and watch home movies of his Disney vacation! It will be swell! Barry
One of these nights your going to be sound asleep when all the sudden your going to feel this sudden hard pressure on your asshole and the feel of cold metal on your neck.
See there Grim, I knew that I could prod the Sociopath out of "your" closet. Man I am good at this. Oh, and before you show up at my house with a gun....oh never mind. You wouldn't believe me anyway. Barry
I do. So walk softly if you visit after hours. But I am not worried about you doing that. You are just an internet version of a "cell warrior." http://www.xmag.com/archives/9-06-dec01/slang.html Barry
I can verify that barry does speak softly and carry a big stick (I help him in an informed firearm purchase) So I wouldn't run up on him unless sporting class III body armour
Let me get this straight. Are you saying you find the thought of Barry's hairy asshole to be attractive and you would like to have anal sex? That does seem to be what you are saying here. Ever have any desire to redecorate your apartment in pastel colors? Ever consider buying a "man purse", or are you more from the Jeffrey Dahmer school of butt pirates.