
Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I know I know why isn't this is the film section. Well we will get to that in a min. The new trailer is out for Rambo.


    Plot: In Thailand, John Rambo (Stallone) assembles a group of mercenaries and leads them up the Salween River to a Burmese village where a group of Christian aid workers allegedly went missing.

    OK onto why this is in Cold Sober. Stallone has given America 2 of the most iconic heroes in film history. Those 2 are of course Rocky & Rambo. Both of the original movie are arguably 2 of the best films made in the 20th century. I grew up on these 2, they were Icons. Ronald Regan himself loved Rambo. He was pop culture. I will admit that he went overboard with the sequels. His sudden return to the well almost smacks as desperation. But does it really?

    in 2006 he brought us Rocky again and I will admit now I liked seeing the lovable down on his luck boxer back on the big screen. You can't but care about him no matter what anyone says. Rocky was the every man.

    Now in 2008 we will get Rambo who is the embodiment of every Vietnam vet. I've tried to understand the Vietnam War for many years. Not for myself but for my Father & Uncles who fought in it. Unlike WW2 or Korean War Vets, Vietnam Vets are very closed off and hold many things in. The first time I ever saw my father cry was when he watched Rambo. The second time was the second film which I also saw one of my Uncles cry at also. As a child you don't understand why. When you get older and learn of what that war was you start to understand a little.

    But the funny thing about Nam Vets is they don't talk about it. I've never got my Father to speak about it to me. My Uncle who I would love to hear from is even more closed off. He was a drifter for many years after returning and most of what I know about his military service is second hand from my family.

    Yes Rambo is over the top but the first 2 films some how captured the spirit of America at the time. It spoke to a group of men who were discarded & all but forgotten about. Does America need Rambo today?

    Yes we do we are not in another very unpopular war that draws many parallels to Vietnam. We need a hero.

    We need Rambo.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Combat veterans of most wars dont like to discuss their service. You might get bits and pieces from where they had been, but most wont go into detail about it. The first 20 minutes or so of "Saving Private Ryan" had my grampa crying, when I asked him if it was really like that he said, "Yea, but there was a lot more blood" and that was it. He couldnt swim, and when they opened the front of the landing craft he was one of the guys who went over the side. There is also an HBO file called "When Trumpets Fade" I dont remember the hill they were trying to take, but that is where he almost bought the farm. He was in a mortar crew, since he was the big guy he got to carry the mortar, well the Germans shelled the crap out of every advance. They actually shot into the tops of the trees, which was very affective, it killed the entire mortar crew, minus my grampa, who had a splinter of wood about 12" long pierce his neck and shoulder. It was during his time in the field hospital that his military career took a big turn. As he was recovering the CO for the area moved him into the MPs, and thats what he was till he retired. He served in WWII and Korea, and was actually supposed to go to Vietnam, but retired before going. He served nearly 30 years in the Army, then got to be a guinea pig for medicines at the VA and had his benefits cut, even though he was 100% disabled.
  3. Fat-Cunt

    Fat-Cunt New Member

  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

  5. Fat-Cunt

    Fat-Cunt New Member

    I could see it till i cleared out my temp files..hang on ...

    There u go..now u can wank over him.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2007
  6. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Meme is old meme.
  7. Fat-Cunt

    Fat-Cunt New Member

    I hold my hands up and admit i had to look up "meme" coz i didn't have a clue what is was...now i'm glad i can hold my hands up and say i didn't know what it was..
  8. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Richard Dawkins came up with the word "Meme" in 1976.
  9. Fat-Cunt

    Fat-Cunt New Member

    Yep he did but i bet he cringes whenever he sees it bastardised by computer geeks.
  10. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I find it funny. Perplexing that someone who would choice the name Fat-Cunt is concerned about Meme.
  11. Fat-Cunt

    Fat-Cunt New Member

    Why would that perplex you?
  12. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    well it's just an odd choice of name is all. I know Shock Value and all, but yeah not so much around here.
  13. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    There's nothing more satisfying than the thrill of watching a monkey knife-fight
  14. Fat-Cunt

    Fat-Cunt New Member

    Not meant for shock value it's just what i am..a fatcunt.I'm fat and i'm a horrible person..a cunt.I don't even like me.
  15. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    ahh you don't like you? Everyone should like themselves. It's up to the rest of the world to hate you.

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