I live in Augusta, and I dont know how people can treat a drug addict, wife beating, shooting at the cops convict like a hero. But then again we do have a street named after him, James Brown BLVD (Near MLK), renamed the Civic Center to the James Brown Arena, and built a statue for him. That is now covered with crap. I dont get it.
Smart, witty, can write a mean shitty ditty...and now it seems can do clever little gifs as well!? If i catch you so much as sniffing the seat where Pimp's been sitting, i chew yor baals off and spit them down and grind with foot where the dogs will peess and forrnicate like wild animals over yur sad little pee-pee scrote.
I don't know what the fuck you just said, kid, but you're special. You reach out and touch a brother heart. Oh, and you failed to mention handsome. Smart, witty, etc, etc, etc, and handsome. Props.