Quote of the Night

Discussion in 'Politics' started by phatboy, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    "Senator Obama, I am not President Bush, if you wanted to run against President Bush you should have ran 4 years ago..."

    Ha ha ha...old man throwing it down.
  2. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I gots hyp mo tized by McCain's blinking ... and just like Sarah's "Joe Six Pack" now "Joe the plumber" wtf

    I think that is why "joeslogic" like McCain & Palin ... they keep mentioning his name.

    I hate them all .. fuck it , its not like anyone does what they say they are going to do anyway.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Quotes that could have been:

    McCain to the moderator:

    "If you would like to debate with me also I will be glad to fit you into my schedule some time after early November. Right now I have a campaign to run and more importantly a debate currently with "That One" over there."

    The moderator cut McCain off fifty percent of the time not because of time limits either Obama had more time. He also argued with McCain and was derelict in his duty of keeping Obama on topic.
  4. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Obama is going to win. How do all of you feel about that. It's pretty much a statistical fact at this point. Are you going to be ok with it? How will you react?
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I do not get that theory.

    The polls are historically off and biased three to five points in favor of the Dem and if to take away the don't matter polls like abc and cbs looking at the ones that historically matter there is only about a 5 or 6 point spread.

    Now that spread will fluctuate after this debate then settle again.

    This election is still up in the air.

    That being said I'll be voting against Obama not for McCain.

    If Obama wins then there is no excuse for me not having much more money in my pocket at the end of 2009 because Obama said so. And the whole country will be medicated, educated, and working at what they want for how much they want and liking it. Obama said so.

    Inflation will not happen and people will all have money to go to school which btw will be cheaper. And the sun shine brighter but not hotter. The air will be cleaner and the waters clearer. Dolphins will swim playfully with me when I go to the beach. Old people will live a hundred more years and be jovial fat little happy bastards. Flowers will bloom year round and puppy dogs will always be puppy dogs never growing old and shitting big turds.

    It will be a glorious eight years of people living fat and happy off the Motherland.
  6. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I dont think polls mean anything. It has been proven in the past. I just ride around and count the number of signs I see in yards. Something else I have learned while working on a friends campaign is that you can register 200k people, but if they dont actually go vote it doesnt mean anything either.

    We are going to have the highest turnout in voter history. All those that are trying to push obama in, and all those that are trying to keep him out.

    I think McCain missed several points last night that he could have really pushed Obama on. I would have asked him if he was going to ensure that taxes were raised on all his Hollywood buddies. the ones making 40 million to make a crappy movie, are they going to pay their 35% in taxes????? Roughly about 14million in taxes? That would do a hell of a lot to help out the deficit.

    I dont agree with the fact that someone busts their hump to make good money, start their own business, hire local workers, pay them a good salary and then they are penallized for it. Believe it or not, but 250k is not a lot of money. I bet there are a boatload of Drs changing their minds about who they are voting for.

    I dont understand McCains healthcare deal. So my employer still offers Insurance, but he gives me a tax credit for 5k to do what? I dont think companies (the ones who want to keep their employees) are going to go to the crappiest state for insurance and then smile as they are giving it to you. The company I used to work for would do that. It's like safe auto, the minimum coverage allowed by law. GOOOD COMPANIES are going to scower the states looking for the best, most affordable, plans available. A comfortable medium.


    There are a ton of lazy people out there that cant wait for Obama to get elected so they can get their 40acres and a mule. It's not going to happen. He isnt going to do for the minority vote as they all think. Just look at his voting history in the Senate. It doesnt lie.
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think it will be close, but I think Obama will win too.

    McCain shot himself in the foot with Palin. Even women don't like her.

    From what I hear people say is you are really voting for VP, McCain will kick the bucket and Obama will be assassinated, so the VP really counts this time around.
  9. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I don't think Obama is proposing that health care will be provided to everyone in the country. Hillary's plan was to socialize the health care system and provide coverage to everyone. Obama is not proposing that, as far as I know. I'm sure someone will point out if I'm wrong.

    Are you serious? Do you even realize how ignorant that makes you sound?

    40 acres and a mule is a term for compensation that was promised to be awarded to freed African American slaves after the Civil War— 40 acres (16 ha) of land to farm, and a mule with which to drag a plow so the land could be cultivated.

    The award—a land grant of a quarter of a quarter section (one square mile) deeded to heads of households presumably formerly owned by land-holding whites—was the product of Special Field Orders, No. 15, issued January 16, 1865 by Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, which applied to black families who lived near the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Sherman's orders specifically allocated "the islands from Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns river, Florida." There was no mention of mules in Sherman's order, although the Army may have distributed them anyway. Federal and state homestead grants of the time ranged from 1/4 section up to a full section.

    After the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, his successor, Andrew Johnson, revoked Sherman's Orders. It is sometimes mistakenly claimed that Johnson also vetoed the enactment of the policy as a federal statute (introduced as U.S. Senate Bill 60). In fact, the Freedmen's Bureau Bill which he vetoed made no mention of grants of land or mules. (Another version of the Freedmen's bill, also without the land grants, was later passed after Johnson's second veto was overridden.)

    By June 1865, around 10,000 freed slaves were settled on 400,000 acres (1,600 km²) in Georgia and South Carolina. Soon after, President Johnson reversed the order and returned the land to its white former owners. Because of this, the phrase has come to represent the failure of Reconstruction and the general public to assist African Americans.
  10. GAS

    GAS New Member

    I would agree with this except for one thing: the right votes, the left says they're going to but don't.

    Doesn't really matter to me, nothing is going to change regardless of who wins. This country is too set in its dumb fucking ways.
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I guess maybe the entitlement era is over everywhere but in the 'real' south. I see it everyday, in state and local government. Commissioner asking in board meetings 'Why I want to vote for that? Whats it gonna do for my people?' Say it's an ignorant statement if you want, but if you ask a million black voters I bet you'd be suprised how many think he is going to do things for 'his people'.

    It's not racism, it's reality.
  12. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I guess I misunderstood your post. I thought that you were saying that about the 40 acres and a mule - as if you believed it yourself.

    Is this what you meant, "There are a lot of lazy people who can't wait for Obama to become President because they mistakenly believe that he is going to give them some kind of handout just because of their race."?
  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member



    Please carry on.

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