I understand he is a bit of an egomaniac. Seem to hear he is a bit of an eccentric. Crazy about some cartoon character and maybe it was Elvis also. I understand he can be brutally cruel treating anyone he perceives as being against him with extreme prejudice. I would guess he is the type who values his image as a badass somewhere right up there at the top of his value pyramid. All this in light of the fact that he made an ass of himself and has pie on his face in front of the world with his failed rocket launch. The scary question is what will be his encore act to that to regain his dignity? What about it? Did I miss anything is he a sociopath, psychopath, A megalomaniac? I’m no authority so wondering what observations anyone else has made given his reclusive nature and all the conjecture theory what may be reasonably assumed.
Let's see - Wear platform shoes - 4'' shorter than Napolean Whips his hair into stiff peaks. The people believe he is a God His Father was a violent Psychopathic Dictator Obsessed with fine dining while the rest of the country starves. Has 15000 films in his collection Watches kid's Cartoons Is a huge fan of Michael Jackson Obessed with secrecy and security ala Howard Huges Has huge camps where he tortures people. Is stupid enough to rattle sabers at the US while acting crazy and delusional. Diagnosis - Axis II - Cluster B AntiSocial, Narcississtic, Histrionic, Borderline all rolled into one neat, dangerous package. See http://soe.drake.edu/nri/syllabi/reha222/psychmods/Personality/Bcluster.html
Actually, I meant HEAD-banger. Go ahead, Barry, I know it's coming. Is my Freudian slip showing? Can a typo sometimes just be a typo?
I wonder how many people made trips to his 'camp' when the missle failed? Could you imagine living like that? Why no coup? Assasination attempt? Im sure there are enough Koreans in the US that we could slip in a team to take him out, then it would look like an inside job. No war. Of course they may have to kill his whole cabinet, but so what. I think he got really pissed at 'team america world police'. That could have been the straw.
Haha! I forgot about Team America. Maybe that is the answer humiliate the shit out of him hie ego can't take it he would have a heart attack. You know with him being such a movie fanatic he had to see it.
I think you got it right the first time, since you were referring to my friend Dio. But a cigar is SOMETIMES just a cigar. Barry
I'm working on the steady girlfriend thing. Until then I am a hand-banger. And the toto is for comedic affect.