I submit as evidence that Dan is Gay the following - He blew up my avatar, which is a picture of my DOG, ignoring the fact that it is grainy and pitiful looking, and now uses it for his signature. How GAY is that? I mean the obsession he has with ME and MY DOG. I say about 9 on a 10 scale. Barry
9 out of 10 if it never evokes a reaction. one reaction bumps it down to an 8. But 8 is still pretty gay though.
You fucking retard you are obviously the one who is gay. You have MY name in your cutey pie lap dog picture. My name goes out of your avatar and then I will remove the my "truths" and your wife and monkey daughter can have their "truths" from my signature.
You know your post evoked an instant reaction Barry so I got to say going by the same theory that bumped it down to an eight well you know the deal. :wink:
My dog is not a "cutie pie lap dog." She is a full blooded queer hound, and she howls every time she gets a whiff of you. So be warned - stay away from the bushes around my house. She knows when you are there. Also- I think the fact that you can even say "cutie pie lap dog" with a straight face is further proof of your gayness. DANSGAY - sounds like a good name for a sports cream for homos, doesn't it Dudley? Barry
I know Dan's gay because he's sucks dick. And you're forgetting to use the Kinsey scale Barry, you know better then to put gayness on a one to ten scale.
Come on man. You know you are the one who is gay. What is this some kind of game you picked up in a gay bar. You remind me of a chick that has to make some big argument just because she thinks she is being ignored. Putting my name in your signature. Definitely gay.
Dans claim of Barrys bitches beauty is not a homo thing. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0621062dog1.html?link=rssfeed
Not only are you both gay by the sounds of it your both highly attracted to each other and into dog fucking in a big way why not stop fighting and elope its pretty obvious the way you feel about each other.
Tomm, haven't you figured this out yet? Dan is my alter ego. We are the same person. I just create this nonsense to keep the forum alive. It's kind of like professional wrestling. It's kind of real, but really it's just BS. Barry