
Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Feb 10, 2006.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    European Media Provokes Muslims To Inflame Zionist 'Clash Of Civilizations'

    By Christopher Bollyn
    American Free Press

    Under the guise of free speech, a leading Danish newspaper published a dozen provocative anti-Islamic cartoons clearly designed to offend Muslims. The predictable result has greatly increased the possibility of violence and left Denmark in a costly and dangerous predicament.

    Four months after Jyllands-Posten (JP), Denmark's most widely read morning paper, published 12 anti-Islamic cartoons, Danes woke up to the fact that there is a very high price to be paid for promoting the "clash of civilizations."

    The fact that the editors behind the anti-Islamic images claim to be exercising free speech while refusing to address Europe's strict censorship laws regarding discussion of the Holocaust and the ongoing imprisonment of historical revisionists reveals the existence of a more sinister agenda behind the provocative cartoons.

    "Agents of certain persuasion" are behind the egregious affront to Islam in order to provoke Muslims, Professor Mikael Rothstein of the University of Copenhagen told the BBC. The key "agent" is Flemming Rose, the cultural editor of JP, who commissioned cartoonists to produce the blasphemous images and then published them in Denmark's leading morning paper last September.

    The International Herald Tribune, which reported on the offensive cartoons on January 1, noted that even the liberalism of Rose had its limits when it came to criticism of Zionist leaders and their crimes. Rose also has clear ties to the Zionist Neo-Cons behind the "war on terror."

    Rose told the international paper owned by The New York Times that "he would not publish a cartoon of Israel's Ariel Sharon strangling a Palestinian baby, since that could be construed as 'racist.'"

    Asked why he was protecting Sharon, a known war criminal, while abusing Muslims and their Prophet in the name of free speech, Rose told American Free Press that he had been "misquoted" in the Times article.

    Rose traveled to Philadelphia in October 2004 to visit Daniel Pipes, the Neo-Con ideologue who says the only path to Middle East peace will come through a total Israeli military victory. Rose then penned a positive article about Pipes, who compares "militant Islam" with fascism and communism.

    In April 2003, President George W. Bush nominated the rabid anti-Muslim Pipes to the board of the United States Institute of Peace, a congressionally sponsored think tank dedicated to "the peaceful resolution of international conflicts."

    Ministers from 17 Muslim nations condemned the publication of the cartoons as an egregious "offence to Islam" and called on the Danish government to ensure that it would not be repeated.

    When the Danish government, which supports the "war on terror" with more than 500 troops in Iraq, refused to issue an apology for the offensive cartoons, Muslim consumers across the Middle East began a boycott of Danish products.

    Within days the boycott had severely affected Danish exporters and the politicians in Copenhagen scrambled to undo the damage. Arla Foods, a large Danish-Swedish dairy company, was badly hit by the boycott. The company, which had annual sales of some $480 million in the Middle East, saw its sales in the region plummet to nil as Muslim shopkeepers pulled Danish products off the shelves.

    "We have taken 40 years to build up a very big business in the Middle East, and we've seen it come to a complete stop in five days," company spokeswoman Astrid Gade Niels told the BBC.

    "Our sales in the Middle East have come to a complete stop - in all countries in the region," she said. "We have found ourselves in the middle of a game that we have no part in."

    As the boycott damaged Danish business and a bomb scare closed the office of his newspaper, Rose continued to defend his decision to commission and publish the offensive cartoons. "We stand by the publication of these 12 cartoons," he said.

    Asked if he would have done it knowing what the reaction would be, Rose said: "That is a hypothetical question. I would say that I do not regret having commissioned those cartoons and I think asking me that question is like asking a rape victim if she regrets wearing a short skirt Friday night at the discotheque."

    The dangerous "game" that was started by the Danish editor has now been picked up by at least 7 newspapers across Europe. Supposedly in support of the Danes, papers in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland simultaneously reprinted the cartoons on February 1. The timing suggests that this response was coordinated by a hidden hand.

    In Paris, for example, Arnaud Levy, editor-in-chief of the financially-strapped France-Soir, chose to print all 12 of the offensive cartoons. Asked if there had been coordination between European editors about the simultaneous publication of the cartoons, Levy said, "Absolutely not."

    The following day, Jacques Lefranc, managing editor of France-Soir, was fired by the paper's owner Raymond Lakah, an Egyptian magnate, according to employees. Chief editor Levy, however, remained on the job.

    Peter Mandelson, Trade Commissioner for the European Union, strongly reprimanded the newspapers for pouring "oil on the fire" by reprinting the offensive cartoons.

    Robert Ménard, secretary general of Reporters without Borders, a Paris-based media monitor, however, supported the publication of the blasphemous cartoons saying, "All countries in Europe should be behind the Danes and Danish authorities to defend the principle that a newspaper can write what it wishes to, even if it offends people.

    "I understand that it may shock Muslims, but being shocked is part of the price of being informed," he told The New York Times.

    However, when it comes to discussion of the Holocaust, media monitors like Ménard accept without question the government-imposed censorship laws and imprisonment of historical revisionists. At least 4 well known historians are currently in prison in Germany and Austria for writing and speaking about the Holocaust.

    There is clearly a more sinister reason why the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen refuses to issue a formal apology as demanded by Arab and Muslim governments. The hard-line position taken by Rasmussen, an ally in the "war on terror," has more to do with advancing the "clash of civilizations" than defending free speech in Europe.

    It is well known that Islam is an aniconic religion which prohibits depictions of the Prophet in the same way that the Second Commandment prohibits "graven images." The European editors are certainly aware of the fact that Islam prohibits the use of icons or visual images to depict living creatures and that it is blasphemous to publish cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Yet, they have recklessly and intentionally insulted millions of Muslims and are unwilling to apologize.

    "The Danish paper set out to offend and provoke outrage in the Muslim community," a Muslim in Britain wrote to the BBC. "Muslims are able to distinguish between those who wish to debate and those who wish to insult. Trying to camouflage insults under the guise of debate or free speech fools nobody."

    There is a deeper reason behind the publication of the offensive cartoons. Given the unapologetic position taken by the Danish government and the editors it appears very likely that tension with Islamic nations will increase and the international crisis will deepen. This is, after all, exactly what the global planners behind the "clash of civilizations" want.

    The completely predictable reaction among Muslims sets the stage for violence and "false-flag" terror attacks as Europeans prepare to host the Olympics in Turin, Italy. The Turin-based La Stampa irresponsibly published the cartoons on Feb. 1, two days after Milan's Corriere della Sera.

    The anti-Islamic cartoon scandal is no laughing matter. If and when a terror attack does occur and the cartoons and angry Muslims are blamed for being the cause, the reason they were published will become clear. Europeans will become increasingly polarized and hostility to Islam will grow.

    A month ago, when I first became aware of the provocative anti-Muslim cartoons published in JP, I immediately contacted the editors and asked why they had allowed their newspaper to be dragged into such a ridiculous and provocative situation.

    With Europe already involved in two Middle Eastern wars and with the political tension with Iran increasing daily, I asked the editors, "Do you truly wish to antagonize Muslims?"

    "I support freedom of speech and am against self-censorship," Rose, who commissioned the cartoons, wrote in response. It was, however, clearly not simply to exercise Denmark's non-existent freedom of speech that Rose commissioned the anti-Muslim cartoons. The more sinister motive of advancing the "clash of civilizations" among Europeans was evidently behind the offensive images.

    "If the issue is really one of free speech, would you publish cartoons making fun of the Jewish Holocaust?" I asked Rose and the editors. "If not, do you at least support the right of newspapers and individuals to raise historical questions about the Holocaust?"

    Yet after a month of correspondence with Rose and the editors, they have completely avoided answering my questions about the Holocaust and the right of free speech for historical revisionists in Europe.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    The Mohammed Cartoons - Recruiting Europe For Bush's War On Iran

    By Webster Griffin Tarpley

    WASHINGTON, DC -- The NATO intelligence provocation appearing in the guise of the scurrilous Mohammed cartoons published by the reactionary newspaper Jyllands Posten of Denmark, and then by a series of other European publications, has already done much to mobilize the armies, bases, and treasuries of Europe in support of the lunatic plan to the Bush-neocon clique for a nuclear sneak attack and punitive expedition against Iran over the coming weeks or months. As I warned in a red alert for synthetic terrorism issued on and other sites in the late afternoon of Feb. 3, this entire affair has been cynically orchestrated by NATO intelligence agencies to set the stage for a new world war.

    In recent years, Moslem and Arab resentment for the various crimes of imperialism has been directed primarily against the United States, the United Kingdom, and Israel. What is new about the present crisis is that Denmark, Norway, France, and Germany are the main targets this time, while the usual suspects in London and Washington can remain in the background and hypocritically condemn the inflammatory cartoons. The result has been a massive degeneration of the ideological climate of Europe in favor of militant racism in the form of the Samuel Huntington War of Civilizations. The Europeans are now far more likely than previously to go to war against Iran as the tail on the Anglo-American kite. The genocidal demand that the European Union cut off all aid to the Hamas-led government of Palestine has become far more likely to succeed.


    The evidence strongly suggests that the cartoon provocation was presented to Atlanticist oligarchs at the meeting of the Bilderberger group held from May 5 to May 8, 2005 at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, on the shores of the Tegernsee lake in the south German federal state of Bavaria. (See
    Fountainhead for a partial attendance list) The first publication of the cartoons in Denmark followed in September 2005. This meeting was attended by the certified neocon fascist madmen Michael Ledeen, Richard Perle, and William Luti ­ all desperadoes haunted by the prospect of criminal indictment for their roles in the Iraq aggression, the Plame case, the Niger yellowcake forgeries, and the Lord Conrad Black embezzlement case. All three are fanatic proponents of the wider war against Iran, also in the hope of staying out of jail. Others in attendance included Dutch, Belgian, and Spanish royalty, top Eurocrats and NATO bigwigs (including NATO Secretary General Jaap Hoop de Scheffer himself) from Brussels, Rockefeller and Rothschild international bankers, and such all-purpose villains as Henry Kissinger. Another prominent participant in the Bavarian Bilderberger group was Anders Eldrep of Denmark, a Bilderberger regular over the last five years. This Anders Eldrep (or Eldrup),the chairman of DONG (Danish Oil and Natural Gas), is the husband of Merete Eldrep, the managing director of JP/Politikens Hus (JP for Jyllands-Posten), the Danish publishing firm which owns the newspaper which first published the Mohammed cartoons.

    The Bilderberger group, founded after World War II by Britain's genocidal Prince Philip and the Nazi SS Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, represents one of the key nodal points where the international finance oligarchs meet under US-UK leadership to ratify consensus on larger strategic initiatives. It was for example the Bilderberger meeting held near Stockholm in Saltsjøbaden, Sweden in the spring of 1973 which secured the final consensus for the Royal Dutch Shell plans for the October 1973 Middle East War and the attendant "Arab" oil boycott, which looted Japan and Europe and imposed global austerity to stabilize the US dollar and the Atlanticist banking system. That financiers' staged oil boycott was the 1973 version of today's "peak oil" hoax.


    As for the repeated canard about freedom of the press, all the countries of the Nordic Council have long maintained press control through psychological warfare boards with the power to suppress and plant news stories for propaganda purposes. Sweden is the best-known example, but Denmark, a NATO member state, is no slouch either. Having directed political organizing in Denmark for a number of years, the present writer can also personally attest to the pervasive surveillance of publishing, political meetings, and public speech (as of the mid-1980s) maintained by the PET (Politiets Efterretningstjeneste), the Danish Security Intelligence Service. The PET is a sinister and stealthy organization staffed by devotees of the Danish monarchy, and its mandate is unchecked. (See for a chilling self-presentation, including the ominous news that "the new Danish legislation on terrorism expands the scope of the Intelligence Service so that PET's investigations, to a higher degree than previously, may provide the basis of actual criminal cases or other more offensive initiatives." Author's emphasis, WGT.) Denmark, in short, is a monarchist police state.

    Denmark has been largely a British puppet state over the last two centuries ­ since Lord Nelson burned the Danish fleet in a sneak attack on Copenhagen which put an end to Denmark as an independent power. For the broadest political purposes, provocations coming from Denmark can be thought of as being signed by the warmonger Tony Blair personally. The current Danish neocon regime is in any case a member of Bush's coalition of the willing engaged in the illegal occupation of Iraq.

    The editor of Jyllands Posten who ordered the publication of the cartoons is Flemming Rose, who has extensive connections to Daniel Pipes, another neocon fascist madman who runs Campus Watch, a neo-McCarthyite witch-hunting organization which vilifies American professors who criticize Israel or show sympathy for the Palestinians. President Bush wanted to name Daniel Pipes to the board of the US Institute of Peace, a government-funded arm of the State Department which organizes conferences and publishes books. When the raving extremist Pipes turned out to be too widely discredited to obtain Senate confirmation for this post, Bush forced his nomination through with a summer 2003 recess appointment to a temporary term at USIP without Senate approval. Daniel Pipes is the nepotist son of Richard Pipes, a Sovietologist who was a leading figure in George H.W. Bush's 1976 Team B, the incubator of today's neocon clique. At the time of his recess appointment, Daniel Pipes was accused by the very moderate Arab-American Institute of "hatred and bigotry" in the context of his "bizarre obsession with all things Arab and Muslim." ( This is the sick, racist point of view embraced by Jyllands Posten.

    Flemming Rose provided details of his conversation with Daniel Pipes in a later article. They talked about the need to mobilize Europe for the war of civilizations against the Moslem world. Rose wrote: "Pipes is surprised that there isn't greater alarm in Europe over the challenge that Islam represents thanks to falling rates of fertility and a weakened sense for its own history and culture." (Flemming Rose, "The Threat from Islamism, Jyllands-Posten, October 29, 2004) The relation of such racist arguments to the Mohammed cartoons provocation should be clear enough.


    With these facts, a strong prima facie case for preconcert in the cartoon affair emerges. The convergence of the US-UK nuclear lynch mob's dragging Iran before the United Nations Security Council in a parody of the spring 2003 US-UK proceedings against Iraq, plus the cartoons affair, means that a new general war, perhaps more like the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) than futuristic scenarios of World War III, is now in sight.


    The impact of the cartoon affair has been to re-invigorate the already considerable racist and xenophobic forces of European society, making these tendencies more respectable in parts of the mainstream. For the moment, xenophobic reactionaries ­ Euro-traitors in every sense ­ are in power in France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, and other countries of the old continent. None of these governments would dare resist Rice and Straw in a war vote at the UN. Of course, if these regimes decide to play Mussolini to Bush's Hitler and actually send their troops to join the Anglo-Americans in war with Iran, most of them would fall, but that would come too late to avoid the looming general conflagration.

    The alleged free speech defended by ranting Atlanticist hypocrites (including Cheney) thus amounts to the opposite: the defense of a society incessantly manipulated by out-of-control secret intelligence agencies with the help of the controlled corporate media ­ a martial law society on the road to the endless war desired by the invisible government and the neocons.


    Danish embassies have been burned in Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. There are indications that some of these violent riots were not spontaneous, but were the work of mercenary rent-a-mobs stoked and steered by CIA, MI-6 and Mossad. In Beirut, UN officials told CNN they knew about the riot before it happened. But the embassy attacks, plus world-wide threats, protests, and economic boycotts, have gone far to convince European public opinion that the war of civilizations between the west and the Moslem world is indeed inevitable.

    In 2003, Germany, France, Belgium, and other European nations rejected the Bush-Blair plan for an illegal aggressive war against Iran. Since, then, Atlanticist (US-UK) intelligence networks have been working to overthrow or subvert the leading European governments. In Germany, Chancellor Schroeder has been replaced by Mrs. Merkel, a puppet of Wall St. and the City of London. In France, the Chirac presidency, weakened by its own foolish support of last year's European constitution, has been wholly subverted by last fall's "Moslem" riots, which were led by old Nazi networks sheep-dipped in Islam under the guidance of Atlanticist intelligence agencies. The beneficiary has been the Anglo-Saxon Trojan horse, Sarkozy. Chirac has even issued his own nuclear threats against Iran. The days are long gone when Chirac could reject the war of civilizations and be cheered for it by Algerian students, as he was in the spring of 2003. The one valuable lesson most Europeans had learned from the twentieth century ­ the utter and suicidal futility of war ­ has been called into question by the cartoons affair.


    Since last July, the world has known of the order from Dick Cheney to the Pentagon to prepare for the atomic bombing of Iran in the wake of a new 9/11 terrorist atrocity. Given Cheney's manifest aggressive intent, it should also be plain that he is not occupying his time doing rain dances in the hopes of conjuring up a new terrorist attack. Cheney and his invisible government backers in the US-UK rogue network are actively preparing a new 9/11 or Gulf of Tonkin provocation with weapons of mass destruction in order to secure the pretext for their attack. Our advice to the world is accordingly: if mysterious WMD incidents occur anywhere in the world, don't start looking for the swarthy perpetrators sporting turbans in the caves of Pushtunistan. Look instead in Dick Cheney's office.


    Much of the real urgency of the Anglo-American attack on Iran comes not from nonexistent nuclear devices, but from the planned March 20 opening of the Iran oil bourse, the first international exchange since 1945 where buyers and sellers of oil can conduct their oil transactions using a currency other than the US dollar ­ in this case, the euro. The Iran oil bourse threatens the number one pillar of US-UK world domination ­ the global hegemony of the dollar, as anchored in the dollar's central role in oil and other raw materials transactions. With the Iranian oil bourse, as much as $1 trillion of central bank reserves may flee the US greenback into the euro, the yen, and other currencies. The concomitant exodus of hot money from Wall Street would then puncture the US stock bubble, the US housing bubble, and the US bubble economy generally, leading to a collapse of the dollar in international exchange and the dumping of hundreds of billions of dollars in US treasury bonds now in the hands of the Chinese and Japanese. The transition from today's outmoded and obsolete dollar-based system to a dollar-euro-yen system of fixed parities, gold settlement, and high-technology exports to the developing sector could be easily handled by peaceful negotiations, but this is exactly what the neocons are determined to prevent. Ironically, the neocon obsession for general war to preserve dollar dominance, by almost guaranteeing the closure of the straits of Hormuz, will lead to an even more catastrophic dollar collapse and world depression than the peaceful Iranian oil bourse ever could. The neocons, in other words, are playing a losing hand. Only fools would join them.


    When might the new hostilities begin? General Sharon, before he was incapacitated, had told the Israeli Defense Force to be ready to strike Iran in March. The former US Iraq weapons inspector Scott Ritter says that the attack order has already been given. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the maverick Russian politician, thinks that the most likely date is March 28, coincident with the Israeli elections. Zhirinovsky has longed served as an auxiliary to Russian President Putin, and his estimate may benefit from the insights of the Russian special services. Whenever the attack comes, it is clear that the NATO logistics and manpower infrastructure ­ the German railways, the French air force and navy, the Italian ports and air bases ­ will play a vital role. Without these, the US could hardly operate in the Middle East at all. Today, the US neocons may be offering occupation rights in various secondary target countries, like Syria, to tempt countries like France or Italy into joining the war. When Hitler attacked the USSR in June 1941, he was joined by troops from Italy, Romania, Hungary, Finland, Spain, and other European states. These auxiliaries had received promises of their own, but they fared poorly. The parallel is suggestive for the path some Europeans wish to tread today.


    Last Wednesday, a Home Depot in the Washington DC suburb of Gaithersburg, Maryland was evacuated because of suspicious package emitting a strange smell, which turned out to be a harmless videotape recorder. Last Friday, the Rachel Carson Elementary School in the same community, which is part of the region where many federal officials and bureaucrats live and have their families, was evacuated because of another suspicious package which a local official claimed looked like an Improvised Explosive Device or Iraq-style roadside bomb. It was "something like you might see in a war zone," said the spokesman of the Gaithersburg fire department said to the radio and television that afternoon. The school is typically attended by the children of federal employees. But the "IED" also turned out to be a big nothing. Early this evening, the Russell Senate Office Building was evacuated because of a nerve gas alert that also proved to be groundless, a complete false alarm. But a dozen senators had to flee. This escalating pattern of incidents likely to provoke hysteria among US government officials betrays the intent of the invisible government to overload the circuits and facilitate the stampeding of this government into a wider war full of incalculable danger.


    Our advice to the Moslem world: DO NOT FALL FOR PROVOCATIONS. From Count Thurn's 1618 defenestration of Prague to Bismarck's Ems telegram in 1870, big wars have often grown out of staged provocations. For years former Prime Minister Dr. Mahatir Mohammed of Malaysia, an astute Moslem observer who knows how the Atlanticists operate, has been telling his co-religionists that the greatest vulnerability of the oppressors is located in the weakness of the US dollar. Mahatir's argument has long been that it is time to stop complaining and dump the dollar. The fall of the dollar will entail the fall of the International Monetary Fund and of Wolfowitz's World Bank, the greatest engines of global oppression. Those who burn the embassies of European countries or attack their citizens risk becoming dupes serving as recruiting sergeants for the NATO armies and air forces that are about to strike Iran, currently the leading Moslem state, plus Syria and others. It is time to break ideological profile, and respond unpredictably on the international monetary front, where the chances for success are the greatest.


    In terms of the battle of ideas, the other great task for the Moslem world and for persons of good will everywhere is to contribute to the utmost to the dismantling and discrediting of the ultimate blood libel against Islam, the fantastic Atlanticist myth surrounding the events of September 11, 2001. The international 9/11 truth movement has shown how rogue networks inside the Pentagon and CIA organized those events. Since the basis of every attack on Islam is 9/11, it is incumbent on Moslems to join in refuting the myth. This will have the additional effect of eroding Bush's fanatical political base, and preparing his fall.


    In my address to the Inter-Religious Conference in Khartoum, Sudan in October 1994, I pleaded for a platform of ecumenical and irenic cooperation among the world's great faiths based in the comprehensive scientific, technological, and economic development of all nations. This is the call of Christianity, with its imperative of charity (agape) and faith expressed through good works, as in the second great commandment: love your neighbor. This is the call of the doctrine of social solidarity in Islam. This is the call of Confucian benevolence and the related need for rulers to promote prosperity and education. These are the ideas reflected in similar impulses prominent in Buddhism, Judaism, and other faiths. These are ideas readily accessible to persons of good will whose outlook is purely secular, whatever their political persuasion. Humanity must act now to neutralize war provocations, and thus to prevent the horrors of war itself.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Nursey said that

    Yes Nursey you did by way of posting the article otherwise what is the relevance?

    Now I suppose the conspiracy is that the Bush administration sent secret agents to coerce comic illustrators of varying ideologies to post comics for the purpose of inflaming the Muslims and then also angering the European masses? And as comic illustrators are always more than happy to join the bandwagon and do their fair share for the American way. Jumped right in to do what they could to assist.
  4. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    The relevance, Joe, is the potential planning of the war on terror as a means of controlling the world-energy supply and thus dominate world finance.

    However. The facts will never be on the table. There is no such thing as objective history. I was three handshakes away from Osama, and i learned to fly by my pakistani friend, and even though this is true, it gives a false image of what actually went on at the time.
    Nursey is right when he calls me brainwashed. I was brainwashed by professionals. Woke up with a needle in my arm and all systems on/off. combination of some truthserum or other and oldfashion hypnosis.

    The weakness in the posting by young mister Tarplay is the insistence on "sionist" agenda. That creates division within his potential allies. Aside from that, its a good attack on the western world and the division of energy and resources. Part of the marginalization of the opposition is created by introducing sickening allies. Parts of the european neonazi circus relates to Iran as a usefull ally against the ZOG
    ( Zionist occupation government ) and the international jewish conspiracy.

    And i doubt seriously that Nursey would consider these his friends. But my enemys enemy is like minus minus=friend pluss

    I am sympathetic to austrias and germanys laws regarding holocaust-denial. Revisionists that feel persecuted in these countries may seek refuge elsewere.

    Revisionism revised ? These are good texts Nursey. Truthful and to the point. My only argument is; one has to stick to family. That might be the brainwash speaking :wink: Yknow Bush and the Windsors

    The cost of the struggle is to big. The intellectuals may find a livelyhood, but for the soldiers and idealists its nothing but sorrow and fried friends.

    The need for pacifism is hard to explain since "they" are everywere., and "they" thrive in the chaos of battle. Dividing and conquering. Thats my bet why leftwingactivism usually ends up with loosing economies and WE CANT FIGHT CAPITALISM. I have seen how they work and how solidarity is played out and destroyed.

    Doo you think the Bildenbergers believe in magic ? I do !

    And last but not least ( Underline this ).
    The fact that CIA was involved with groups using terror does not mean that the agency was behind the terrorattacks. The secret russian police was infiltrating a group of anarchists in stpetersburg, and as a means of gaining entrance the copper provides the cell with explosives wich is later used for blowing up the tzars brother. Was the secret police behind the assasination of the duke ? Perhaps :wink:
  5. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Certainly no cartoonist would ever make fun of the War on Terror, or poke fun at American politicians. Fuck Nursey, why don't you ignore some more evidence about free press. They wanted to push the envelope, since controversy sells. Did you not notice that one of the newspapers in France that posted the pictures was quoted in the article as "failing". They're trying to create sales, not a cultural war. Especially since we all know how well armed the Danes are.
  6. MyNameMeansNothing

    MyNameMeansNothing New Member

    Notice however that she did not post her own opinion, just the quoted articles, i'd be interested to hear her take on them...
  7. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Welcome to fuglyforums, you have just made the worst decision of your life. You don't have the whole back story with Nursey and Joe. I already know what Nursey is saying with these articles. Just wait till Smurfslappa starts piping up, then you'll be in for a real treat.
  8. MyNameMeansNothing

    MyNameMeansNothing New Member

    diogenes said:

    Nope. Already did that a while back.

    Can't wait!!!
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    You're in for a treat if you like mildly paranoid schizophrenic posts.
  10. MyNameMeansNothing

    MyNameMeansNothing New Member

    Always a treat tbh
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    For the record Nursey gets on my nerves by representing the antithesis of what rubs me wrong. That specifically is the ability for huge masses of people to be influenced by mass media what ever form that mass media is in. This makes it very hard for me to talk to her about her views. But equally so I do not dislike her and I respect her opinion. I would feel however better about what her opinion is if she would state it instead of relying on an infinitely unending pile of propaganda out there awaiting the gullible.

    I bet if I met Smurf or Nursey in person the pleasure would be all mine and we would get along fine.
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I would think it would depend on what you were drinking at the time. I respect Nursey, she has some valid points, everyone in here does from time to time. But everyonce in awhile even a blind pig finds a truffle.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Eww! You stole a southern colloquialism and made it all Frenchy!
  14. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    By smell i am sure :)
  15. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member


    Why the double persuit of nuclear power and a oilexchange outside of the dollar :?: Certainly gives the hawks a point of attack :!: So is it a global conspiracy then :wink: Probably another example of the curse og Clausewitz. A buildup of measures and countermeasures. Iran playes with a strong hand. Lets hope they know who they play against. These guys should not make to many mistakes. ( Am I obvious or what ) :lol:
  16. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yes, Nursey and I differ greatly in opinion. Whereas Nursey believes the agenda of these old, white guys is to get their money and obtain more power, I believe the whole money/power grab is just one prerequisite to achieving their larger goals. Like I've always said before, it's no coincidence that we have our backs up against the wall right before all this shit is fixing to hit the fan.

    I'm worried about the oxygen content in the air, as well. Suuure it's getting replenished all the time, but we're consuming way more than was used to. I think it's already like half of what we had a hundred years ago, according to air bubbles trapped in sap. Climate collapse = no more mass transit. High CO2 levels getting released would also become choking. HMmm... I hate everything.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah I'm fairly convinced that Iranian guy is just nuts and wanting to stir up shit. Thinks he is the 12th prophet of Muhammad and that his mission is to stirrup chaos eventually whip up dissent to get the Arabs to unite against the Jews.

    Dio it's supposed to be : "A Blind pig will find an acorn in the woods sooner or later" The irony being that that blind pig will likely find one twice as fast as yourself. You are just not considering the pigs strong points.
  18. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Says Slapper

    Old fossils show insects of a size that could not live in our air. ( Not even a hundred years ago ). We sould probably have broblems breathing in the atmosphere of longgone epochs.

    Afraid there is a chance that this developement allso shrinks the outer protective layers and a regrowth is not likely with corrent system. Nosiree

    Monocultural takeover allso denies the plethora fields of resistance.
    ( ChickensCowsHumansDogsRatsPigeons with interchangable bacteria)
  19. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    soooo many people, soooo many cars, soooo many dying plants and ocean life systems. It'll suck hard, and from so many directions.
  20. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Most systems are going down yes ! But soem are readjusting to garbageheap-existence. Rackoons run rampant in Germany.

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