Republicans want their "no-government" utopia run by free-market? This is what you get: Public taxpayer money is going to charter schools, yet there is not a lot of oversight as to how these funds are used. Public school boards must account for money spent, but there is not a lot of regulation over the charter school spending. This is taxpayer money, and there must be accountability. This is a situation going on in Arizona right now. A Christian school in Glendale expelled the children of a parent who persistently asked questions about how the private school was spending its tuition money. Lise Hopson had been asking Joy Christian School in Glendale why she paid tuition when a public charter school, Sequoia Choice, was providing the bulk of the private school's academic courses. Charter schools, like all publicly funded schools, are free. Hopson told The Arizona Republic in September that she never received a satisfactory answer from Joy Christian School or its affiliated church, the Community Church of Joy. The day before Hopson was quoted in the Republic article, Hopson picked up her daughters as usual after school. The principal handed a letter to Hopson that stated both Hopson and her husband, James, were not "contributing to the harmonious attitude of the school." In the letter, Kempf called Hopson's actions disruptive and damaging and said they "may have caused financial losses to the school, as well." They expelled the students, and called the parents disruptive for questioning the private religious school's use of taxpayer money channeled through Sequoia Choice charter schools. The school appears to have blamed the parents for demanding accountabilty for their tuition money. State records obtained by The Arizona Republic show that Sequoia Choice Arizona Distance Learning, a charter-school firm, collected at least $1.9 million in state funds from 2005 through 2008 to teach courses to students of Joy Christian School. During the same period, Joy was collecting tuition payments from the parents of the same students, many of whom used private-school tuition tax credits to help pay. Tuition ranges from $6,710 to $8,000 this year. Last month, the partnership between Sequoia and Joy Christian, which is affiliated with Community Church of Joy, a megachurch along Loop 101, caught the attention of Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne. Horne said a complaint from a parent led him to turn over documents to the Arizona Attorney General's Office.
The key term is 'private school'. If you dont like it, leave, or STFU. Is basically what they say. Getting credits or whatever from the government is neither here nor there. It is of no bearing.
The problem in this case, and if you would have read the thread carefully you would have know this, is that the private school is receiving public money (that's taxpayer money) to pay for courses, while charging a tuition to parents for those same courses. When a woman asked why they were paying if the state was already covering the bill, her kids got expelled for "disturbing the functionment of the school". I was under the impression that republicans loved accountability, according to previous posts in this forum made by conservatives, so what's wrong with this anecdote? I'll tell you, it's the fact that a democrat posted it. This country needs all the money it can get right now to cover for Bush's $700 billion war, giving it away to private schools that don't need it is irresponsible. But I guess I'm wrong, few cards short of deck to be exact, being a democrat and all.
The problem with you is you worship at the alter of liberalism and America hate media like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Air America, Young Turks. Where is their report about Muslim private schools receiving public funds and handing out jihad pamphlets? Are you gonna tell me it did not happen or just that it was not inline with your desired anti-America propaganda taste?
Laughable, why is there so much "hate America" media? Should I put on a tin foil hat? The government is out to get us? Is there a vast conspiracy to turn everyone into a muslim? ABC, CBS, CNN, NBS all part of the conspiracy to take your guns away from you and force you to read Quran. I bet you they have a secret lair in a volcano somewhere.
Then your comment doesn't have much weight I'm afraid. It's easy to make shit up, and if memory serves right aren't you asking me for quotes on a different topic? Typical conservative behaviour.
Then it needs concern, I will write to my local congressman and blog about how it disgusts me. Just because I'm democrat doesn't mean I want to read the Quran and suicide-bomb republicans. You have to give me more credit than that, our views differ greatly but I'm still a decent person. If public fund pays for Jihad pamphlets I'll make some noise.
Its bigger than that. The stakes or high for me I have to put up or I'm a fool basically in your words. I'm not asking you to do the right thing. I'm asking you to ask yourself why your liberal sources protect the Muslim extremist and attack Christians. I'm asking you to not be a blind media mush head sheeple.
It's a rethorical statement. From my point of view the conservatives are the sheeps of the great corporation shepperds. Always out to make a buck even if it means leaving millions to die without any help whatsoever. You can't sum liberalism up in one sentence, it's oversimplistic. Not all things liberal are evil and I'm smart enough to know that not everything republican is evil neither. Blind media mush head sheeple is a little harsh is it not? When Bush was in power I questionned everything he did, no matter what FoxNews said. Now that Obama is in power you question everything no matter what CNN says. That's democracy, one keeps the other in check. If we all agree, we truly become blind. I despise what you stand for, but I respect you for not comprimising. As long as you and I don't get along, America will be a better place.
Nope I was quick to criticize Bush for being a Liberal and still do. Thats where we differ. I'm consistent on my facts. I call 4.5% unemployment pretty damn good. you bad mouth 4.5 whrn bush is in office and call Obama's ~10% ok considering and tout that things are looking up and/or look for a conservative to blame.
Bush was liberal? I wouldn't say that, more like progressive conservative? He did flatter the religious right quite a bit and his tax breaks would have had Reagan spill his yogurt out of joy. I don't call 10% unemployment good, as a matter of fact I don't even like Obama all that much, what I like is the HealthCare reform. The guy has guts, I'll give him that much. And don't you know there is always a conservative to be blamed?
Minnesota's Publicly Funded Madrassa Radical Mosque to Feed Proposed NY Arabic School why the Khalil Gibran school must be stopped As school officials and secularists turn a blind eye, Muslim radicals in Minneapolis take a publicly funded charter school and turn it into a madrassa. Why Johnny is reading Islamist propaganda 'Five pillars of Islam' taught in public school
Back on Topic - Any school can apply for extra funding, public or private. The school doesnt make the government give it to them. Tuition to these schools is to limit the amount of people that qualify for admission. It's just like colleges. They get plenty of money from the government (state) and charge tuition. Here in GA the state has lottery funded pre-k. There are a ton of daycares that qualify to be a state pre-k facility. This 'pays' for your child to attend class there from 8 to 3:30. What? You dont get off work till 5? No biggie, it's just 80.00 a week for that 2 hour period a day for little johnnie to sit there. (Im going from when my son was in Pre-K and why we didnt put him in one at a daycare - my choice). The weekly rate during the summer was 80.00 a week. SO IT WAS THE SAME PRICE FOR 40 hours a week as it was for 10 hours a week. Not to mention how much 'state' money they got for him attending school there. So I put him in a public school pre-k that offered, for 10.00 a week, an after school program called 'loud crowd' that would keep him till I got off work. They were supervised by teachers (not 18 year olds that were more worried about texting than watching kids) did school work, got snacks, and played in the gym when they were done. The key is choice.