ANY CRAP WILL DO. Unless it's 'i win'. Dan - he ran. Grim - extremely dim. Dwaine - he's big...and in pain. Chester Grape - get a room with Checkmate. Barry - just some fat, American Tom, Dick or Harry. Dr.Bungle - bigamist cunnilingus breath by the lungfull. Smurfslapper - found God, now takes it up the crapper. Schmed - he fuckee all the hot zipperhead. Phatboy - soon to be deployed. Headee - extra-marital assfucks mean "sleep in guest room beddy". Checkmate - mister underage date-rape. Samanthasez - has a stick up her ass...alwez. Diogenes - boy, does he love to self-ream! Major Havoc - soon to join Phatboy in Iraq. Ferine - a real doll ( 'Myscene' ). Joeslogic - unhinged psychotic. GAS - that wanker has class. Lomotil - hasn't posted tornado pics. Still. Nauseous - exudes enough misery for all of us. Reiz - fantasizes about pools of aborigines. Dubya - got a vag? Then he luvs ya! Pimpchichi - his ass is so peachy! Jefe - his name rhymes with deaf and chef. Nursey - she writes a great versey.
Dan - dumbshit Grim - see dan Dwaine - blows glass and wants to kick everyones ass. Chester Grape - likes to drink during lunch and masturbate. Barry - Needs a 'bro' and likes fishin with no hairy. Dr.Bungle - see dan. Smurfslapper - finally aboard the mothership couldnt be happier. Schmed - love you long time if your name is ling ling and like to give head. Phatboy - FUCK THAT SHIT. Headee - Like her best when she's on her knees. Checkmate - hangs out at middle schools looking for dates. Samanthasez - one hot girl, if she makes a video I hope it LEZ on LEZ. Diogenes - If he cant do it, he has a toy that can! Major Havoc - See Phatboy. Ferine - Off the reservation but still a queen. Joeslogic - just a little logic. GAS - green apple splatters come out his ass. Lomotil - needs to take a chill pill(sorry that sucks but so does the rest). Nauseous - exudes enough misery for all of us. Reiz - fantasizes about phatboy. Dubya - must be english! Pimpchichi - but first chi chi! Nursey - started a thread that cant get much worsey. there is one lame ass attempt....
Dan - not really a medicine man. Grim - stupidity becomes him. Dwaine - loves pain killers, crystal meth and cocaine. Chester Grape - my australian mate! Barry - popped nursey's cherry. Dr. Bungle - looks like george of the jungle. Smurfslapper - now loves jesus like he used to love baby snapper. Schmed - sleeps with harlen in a twin bed. Phatboy - headee's new sex toy. Headee - *lubes ass* always ready. Checkmate - from his stories, he's definitely straight. Samanthasez - really loves pez?? Diogenes - probably conceived by artifical means. Major Havoc - PM'd me pics of his dick. Ferine - every man's dream. Joeslogic - like a bomb, tick tick tick. GAS - it comes from your ass? Lomotil - engaged--still?? Nauseous - don't know him, so i'll be cautious. Reiz - all must bow to her--on your knees!!! Dubya - x, y, z... huh? Pimpchichi - nursey plays with his wee wee. Jefe - also rhymes with bass clef. Nursey - shows no mercy.
Is that why you have been absent from your forum???? I have a question, so since you are the psycho guy Im going to post and see what you think, beside that I am a freaking loon.
tgere once was a nidget named arnie, he was chained up to a wagon at a carnie, I brkoe him loose, sprayed my piss in his face like juice, He cried for mercy, i said what the fyck, and gave him to nursey
Is that what it said in the contract you signed? (The one Rumsfeld used to wipe his behind). And what of that draft that's being prepared Rumsfeldstiltskin has plans for your children - beware. Fat Bazza (or 'Fazza') is sulking, i fear. He dreads being an object of indifference round here My lukewarm poetic rendition of him More cutting than a shattered glass dildo in rim. Coddle and comfort and cuddle him tight! Club him and crush his soft gonads with spite! These are the things that make Bazza bright, But don't make him the victim of dry oversight. He'll glare from afar, bare his teeth, wield his might. Bark pitifully at the moon through the night. Then just when you thought he was over the worst He'll piss in your handbag and shit in your purse. I took Arnie in, and pissed on him more By now he enjoyed it and writhed like a whore To be frank, it was a bit too disturbing a sight To have there in your house from morn through to night So i bleached his long hair - tattooed 'Head' on his headee (Or is it the other way round? I forgetty). And trussed him all up and sent him to Schmed Who banged the small fellow right there on the bed!
[quote="Nursey] And trussed him all up and sent him to Schmed Who banged the small fellow right there on the bed! [/quote] Gee Nursey it's surely a special occasion For Schmed to bang something not female and Asian.
It is indeed a precious treat When Schmed pokes some turdy Euro-peeny That has a porky luncheon truncheon Dangling in place of raw sushimi.
Suffice it to say, Rummy's not om my list Of recipients of birthday cards, cuz I'm pissed To have been left in a tent, breathing in sand Far away from my family in a forsaken land When I said that I wouldn't go back what I meant Was that returning to war was not my intent Should Rummy and Dubya call my name for a tour They can stack up behind me and lick my back door Cuz I'm staying at home and enjoying my life With my beautiful daughters and my lovely wife When the rest of the Army's had their turn in Iraq I'll consider making another trip back But there are still many who've not had the chance To punch their tickets at the Big Dance So I'll stay where I am, on this you can wager And on Veteran's Day, y'all remember the MAJOR!
That's pretty good. I'm assuming you have a melody to go with it. Any chance that you record it and post the musical version?
Yeah, Diddy and I are working on sampling American Pie and laying down a rap track. It'll be off the hook.