porn industry

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Posted in the wrong forum originally.

    Hear me out.

    Personally, I find the industry of Pornography quite repulsive. The idea of the morality vs immorality of displaying sex for the entertainment of others is not what bothers me. I still think that people can look at whatever they want, and I don't have to be their morality police.

    I am bothered by the fact that most young women who get caught up in the industry are exploited. There is a high correlation to "porn star" and "history of sexual abuse". It is proven that a high percentage of actors in the porn industry have histories of abuse, and almost invariably they end up acting out the very things that happened to them. Few ever make any real money. Drugs and alcoholism are rampant. Careers are short. Disease is an every day job hazard. To simplify - I think that the porn industry degrades people and uses people for the purpose of profit.

    The simple fact remains that people will pay to see things that arouse and stimulate them. While most everybody would agree that the porn industry exploits women, the conviction alone is insufficient to overcome the desire for titillation. Thus, the demand is there, and the market will always meet the demand.

    It is my opinion that a new paradigm is approaching that will change the porn industry, and may well dry up the money that drives it. Recent copycats sites to the the wildly successful YOUTUBE are allowing people free access to homemade sex videos for free. People worldwide are filming themselves in sex acts, and posting the videos and pictures for the world to see. The people who post are given incentives and can "win" things, in addition to satisfying their own need to expose themselves. This assures a steady stream of contributions.

    I think this phenom will cripple the pay sites, and may end the porn industry.

    Here is why -

    1. Nobody is really compensated much for their contribution, so it cost nothing to make the stuff. Porn actors do require compensating, and once that dries up, the industry can't sustain itself.

    2. All posts are voluntary, so no one is (theoretically) exploited. This will make the consumer at least feel "better" about their choice to view.

    3. People will see it as a "moral high ground" to shun pay sites since they can get all the porn they want for free. I see a boycott of pay site porn on the horizon.

    4. Many people view porn sites as professional or scripted acting. It is a proven fact that given a choice people will choose to view "real" sex with imperfect but real participants over airbrushed models acting out sexually.

    5. A simple dictionary definition of voyerism is this - "a viewer who enjoys seeing the sex acts or sex organs of others." It all boils down to the fact that watching porn is voyuerism, and to some degree every normal human has some level of voyueristic tendencies. A married man may exclusively like to see his wife naked. This is morally acceptable in most societies, but by definition he is a still voyuer. The new free sites will meet this primal urge to a higher degree that a pay site ever could, because Voyuerism depends on the brain believing that what you see/hear is real.

    Anyway, the best proof that the porn industry is in trouble will be when they try to shut these sites down by bombing them with their own ad based clips and other spam type junk.

    Maybe we will all get lucky and the two competing forces will destroy each other. Then we can get back to reality, and all the computer masturbators will have to get out of the house and go meet a real human, or get marriage counseling. This is where I indent to take advantage of the new paradigm. This month only - marriage counseling, 1/2 price!

  2. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    You forgot to factor in Internet File Sharing
  3. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Anime will take over. Hentai babes, no victims, no abuse, no cellulite, all cartoon, all day, all night.

    I got blisters on my fingers!!
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Already seen porn mag stores shut down noone buys them anymore since the internet. But the thing about the porn sites on the internet is they still get the advertisement. Ant the world becomes a more warped place by the minute.
  5. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member


    Why would you think that?
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I didn't say that porn would end. It has always been here, and always will be here.

    I am just saying that the porn INDUSTRY might be doomed. If people can get all they want for free, who will pay for it?

    YOUTUBE has already proven that advertising will pay, and pay big. Advertising drives the market, and traffic drives advertising. What better way to get a ton of traffic to your site than free porn? Especially if the porn changes every day, and doesn't cost the website a nickle.

    I just see an end to the porn industry. It's may always be there, but I bet yopu see the "$10 billion a year" thing take a hit.
  8. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I'll say that I agree with some of your points, Barry, but what I haven't heard you mention yet is the intended audience (or, at the very least, the market that I believe funds most of this 'porn industry' itself.) Personally, I believe that porn is marketed towards two audiences: the youth that are unable to easily obtain said material, and the physically repulsive (and/or socially inept) that are unable to easily obtain said ass. Of course, there are the other audiences, the voyeurs, sex addicts, casual purveyors of low-budget cinema, etc., but I think they make up a small portion of the porn demographic.

    Trust me, I can't jerk off with a clear conscious without purging from my mind the fact that the woman being sodomized in front of me (and thousands of others) has been taken for a ride (both physically and metaphorically). Well, to be *completely* honest, it's just a fleeting thought - but it's there, of course. I have been around long enough to see the porn industry 'evolve' from the track-ridden skanks of yesteryear to the 'girls gone wild' barely legal girls of today. Honestly, the other day I downloaded a video of a girl I could've sworn I fucked a few years ago.

    Don't lose too much sleep over it, though - I'm sure that someday, when these women's illicit children inadvertently download videos of mommy giving a blowjob to an 18-inch black cock, they'll be fortunate enough to make the connection and keep their own sexual escapades to themselves. Unless, of course, someone's waving a Benjamin in their face...
  10. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Whatever. You are trying to use a male point of view to interpret a female phenomenon. Dick doesn't bother females like males. If they participate in it willingly to make a buck there is a good chance it isn't as distressful to them as it might be to someone else. Let's get real here.
  11. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Let's just take some examples. There is an attorny working at the bunny ranch one day a month. There is a third yr med student at my school that worked at hooters. There was a premed student I did research with who worked at a strip club and for all I know she is in medical school right now.
  12. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Chicks like to be looked at and lusted after. That is why they paint their nails, whear hip pants and daisy dukes. It is a commodity. They use it to get what they want. Some are just more willing to use it to the extreme than others. Alot of these porn stars are making enough money to retire in a few years.
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Considering he befriended THIS when it joined the forum, he is probably speaking from personal experience.
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Thats one of my points exactly Dan.

    There are enough women out there that WANT to be looked at, and will fill up the WANKTUBE sites with their digital phone camera vids. The end result is that nobody will pay for porn. Advertisers will pay for traffic though, and thus the Industry is changed.
  15. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I have found that there are many women who want to be looked at, just not by me.
    Not every chick in hot pants is waiting for me to note her ass cleavage.

    And yet, I do.

    I gotta get one of these. I've always had a thing for Venus de Milo.
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I hear Dwayne was trying to special order a Virgin Mary from that same site...

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