Go get a bottle of Pama from your liquor store, Pomegranate Liquor. Not too strong unfortunately, but it tastes good.
I hear its better than Viagra. Finally you will get to see what your penis looks like without a script.
I tell you guys the truth, I have been drinking it regularly for a few weeks now, and it's hella expensive, but I do feel better. My blood pressure is down, and so is my anxiety
Honestly I looked into it but it is truely expensive. Thats my only problem. Maybe the answer is to grow a Pomegranate farm. :-\
my rant on Pomegranete juice - It's no magic bullet. It is good for you though. For the same reason that any juice or fruit or vegetable is good for you. It's got good vitamins, and vital nutrients and is what your body needs, unlike all the crap I feed myself everyday. Too much of anything is bad. Why not drink a little pomegranete, and a little carrot juice, and a little prune juice, and a little grape juice and a little of whatever, and eat vegetables and fruit and a little lean white meat and fish. I'll start tomorrow, after I finish off the pizza.
My ferns are gone, empty cans of Guinness everywhere, and a sheep is missing from the petting zoo. I should have known it was you. How's the globetrotting Chechmate these days?
Things are well Bazza, been in Cambodia, south Africa and Pakistan no longer doing the drug counseling deal, took a job with a company that works with the UN and the sustainable development initiatives building grass roots economical strategies that allow people that always have depended on opiate (and other raw products) production for their lively hood, grow and produce a product that has can be exported to the developed western world for pharmaceutical needs. The company is paying for my Post graduate in International relations from the London School of Economics. Since joining this new company and jet setting all over the place, I have had my life threatened, seen and had an AK-47 pointed at me, watched a lioness eat a zebra, and laughed hysterically at a giraffe running. We were given conflict diamonds, to which I was morally opposed to taking, but I was informed that it was an insult not to take them. We cashed them in and donated them to charity. There is a ton more stories I have accumulated since embarking on this journey. I'll have to jump on MSN at some point next week and hit the people here that I instant messenger with. It feels great to be back at home in London, looking forward to a few great nights sleep in my own bed. As I can see things are the same around here, glad to see the usual suspects holding the fort down.
Careful with the opium there Check. I just got involved with a company that markets an alternative to Methadone for Opiate addiction. Don't mess up my new hookup.