Dr. Lomotil, there are tons of rumors flying around this mystery machine (that gives you one more big clue ablout it at each CES, tokyo, amsterdamn, etc) but no one has yet to have laid eyes on a fullly functional PS3, Nor has anyone held a REAL PS3 controler. Just a plastic milk crate of "mock up controlers for people to say "yeah This one feels beter in my hand than this one".. me I wiped my dick on all of them,,, so all your hands smell like my cock... anyway, at each consumer show, Sony drops a little nugget bomb on the Ps3. the last one was Vegas, they announced the PS3 will play Blu-ray Discs (I'll burn in hell before I pay $30 for a fucking DVD) so here is the enigma, the indian engeneers were predicting the costs of the machine from a "secret" parts list they got, and they were predicting $799 start up. Sony did not debate that, the statement they nade was "Well if you are a true Playstation lover, you won't mind the excess, so you get the best console ever made." Well at CES in Vegas, they dropped the "the PS3 will read and play blu-ray discs, a stand alone blu-ray DVD player now is $1700. well now the guys that take technology in India, and rip it apart,. and mass clone a cheaper version in sweatshops are predicting a $2000 droping price. Thats right 2 grand for a console. you can build a SLI hyper gaming righ with dual core 64 processors, and 3 gigs of ram and dual 7600 Radion cards for under $700. You can't convince me a console will produce better graphics than that. So I know you despise sony, but your feelings on the drop of a $2000 Console? P.S. the Nintendo revolution will drop $150, WILL NOT have high def graphics, but will come out of the box, plug it in, it connects to your wireless network., no subscription fee, you can download and paly any nintendo game made upto the revolution. Tonight you can play Super MArio 3, then download resident evil 4 for the gamecube, then when you are board, you can get the legend of zelds and kick gannons ass twive to get both pieces of triforce. (to me thats pretty fucking rad) your opinion? the 360 TANKED in japan, with the PS3 be the savior of Japan? they buy glass marbles that us artists sell for $30 for $200+ dollars, they buy american snow boards for $1000USD that we get for $300 here. maybe there advanced monotary systm...
You're assuming that Sony won't be willing to take a loss on the hardware. The Playstation 2 has still costs Sony $500 to manufacture, I'll check that figure but it was accurate the last time I checked, so Sony is losing between $200-$300 per unit sold, and they make that up in game sales. They will probably do the same with the PS3, considering the cost of the units will drop due to mass production.
I think what we're seeing here is two very different game plans. Nintendo's goal is to capture the hearts of all gamers across the board (and I think they're taking the right steps; that new controler is awsome). Sony wants there machine Playstation to become more central in the life of gamers. Dvd player, interneter acessor, gamemahcine, porn surfing email checker (that will break in a year for no aparent reason). And its good to see me and Lomo share our hatred of Sony.
I'm not all that excited about the new systems that came out to be honest with you. I've gotten to the point where I have so many games right now that I haven't even had a chance to play yet that I'm probably going to sit this round out. I won't be one of the people shelling 2 grand out for a machine, either. I think they'll take a loss on the console sales like dio said. I do have a friend that's selling Xbox 360s for $175. though - I might break down and get one at that price.
Shit, grab one for me then too. Not really. I'm definitely going to sit this round out. I've got to much work I have to do in the near future to be screwing around with that much gaming.
Don't get me wrong, I would love an Xbox 360. That's the issue. I'd spend all of my time on the damn thing. I need to get my income up, and get back to school. This whole doing nothing but working and not making any money is kind of getting old.
I do, but if that change is going to make me more money (and give me all of the priveledges that entails) then I'm going to have to bite the bullet. In reality I don't hate change, it's just mildly uncomfortable and then you adapt to it. Kind of like the way Nursey forced Grim to adapt to her reaming his ass like he was a 10 year old at the Neverland Ranch.
Exactly, and if I had an Xbox 360/PS3 my already miserable love life would get even worse. Woohoo for working nights 6 nights a week.
You get the point, I get one night to myself a week, and I can't spend it playing video games. I'd much rather spend it posting here, since the one goddamn night off I have is Monday.
I do post at work. But half the time when I have a night off and I want to go do something my friends are either at my work playing WoW/CounterStrike/Diablo2, or are at home playing WoW/CounterStrike/Diablo2. I should just light myself on fire and be done with it.
I would take pics, but the lighting would probably be terrible if I took them myself. Anyone volunteering to take pictures of a combustible philosophy student?