Pitiful leftist Stooge

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by FagARoni, Oct 2, 2002.

  1. FagARoni

    FagARoni New Member

    AHHH, Look at poor Kevin Spacey. He longs to suck CLINTOON'S DICK!
    That is more pitiful than anything ze FagARoni can imagine. SAD. Except it means ze poor loser Spacey can do no better...

  2. aznad

    aznad New Member

  3. FagARoni

    FagARoni New Member

    I know NURSEY invited you here to Fugly and you may-out of curiosity-click to Fugly. This Photo is the SADDEST PIC ever.
    Look at you! Oh Bill i wanna suck your dripping herpes infected dick. Touch me, Feel me...... Man. DISGUSTING. YOU ARE EXHIBIT 1 of stupid FAGDOM! You coulda redeemed yerself. But you were PROVABLY STUPID!!!!!!! On my worst hungover depressed day i am a better man than you. All you haf ees a banc account. NO BRAIN.
  4. FagARoni

    FagARoni New Member

    I know NURSEY invited you here to Fugly and you may-out of curiosity-click to Fugly. This Photo is the SADDEST PIC ever.
    Look at you! Oh Bill i wanna suck your dripping herpes infected dick. Touch me, Feel me...... Man. DISGUSTING. YOU ARE EXHIBIT 1 of stupid FAGDOM! You coulda redeemed yerself. But you were PROVABLY STUPID!!!!!!! On my worst hungover depressed day i am a better man than you. All you haf ees a banc account. NO BRAIN.
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hell hath no fury like a homo scorned
  6. FagARoni

    FagARoni New Member

    OK, I'm mad. because i tried to imagine Space cadet had a BRAIN. *sigh*
    But apparently the moron is HYPNOTIZED by the DICKTATER'S smooth style. AHHHHHH, the limitation of a limited mentality. This Picture says it all. No man--not even a GAY MAN--should gaze at another man that way. Cherie Bair apparently wants apiece too. *shrug*
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you never said he was a moron when you were running around various forums eulogising slobbering over his schlong... not all that long ago
  8. FagARoni

    FagARoni New Member

    I no deny that. But i fell for only ze handsome Jim Williams he played.
    I get to know that ze actor ees empty-nobody's home, so to speak.
    There haf been 2 artistes who lak me and say i am inspirazione, and lot of good things. One ees Anne Rice. Another ees mees Spacey thing. Both end
    up being STUPIDO, both meet bill clinton and gif him monies. He -Clintoon-is REALLY UGLY. Look lak white trash Elmer Gantry huckster to me. How could peeples who look at siciliano nize lookin boy think white trash look good? Eef anybody answer that, for me they unlock a great mystery of ze Universe.
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FagARoni:
    I know NURSEY invited you here to Fugly and you may-out of curiosity-click to Fugly. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I admit it...I invited Kevin Spacey to fugly...is that so wrong???
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FagARoni:
    Look at you! Oh Bill i wanna suck your dripping herpes infected dick. Touch me, Feel me...... Man. DISGUSTING. YOU ARE EXHIBIT 1 of stupid FAGDOM! You coulda redeemed yerself. But you were PROVABLY STUPID!!!!!!! On my worst hungover depressed day i am a better man than you. All you haf ees a banc account. NO BRAIN.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    This is too funny!
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I really don't know how she does it,but that Cherie Blair,despite being a high profile lawyer,the mother of 3 children and a baby and the Prime Minister's wife always manages to look relaxed,cheerful and rather glamourous in fact!!!
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Admiteddly,she doesn't appear quite as stunning in this picture of her here whilst pregnant...'take off those glasses Cherie!Stop hiding those pretty,fluffy green eyes!'
  13. stymie

    stymie New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    I really don't know how she does it,but that Cherie Blair,despite being a high profile lawyer,the mother of 3 children and a baby and the Prime Minister's wife always manages to look relaxed,cheerful and rather glamourous in fact!!!

    She is probably permanantley whacked on smack or something, she must be to shag the fool of a PM that we have.
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hey fag.. when you next speak to him.. tell him i'm pretty disappointed he never came round for tea.. i'm only 1/2 an hour from blackpool.. he coulda come round with the ex-prez and we'd have a nice smoke (inhaling optional) and i'd have made em some pizza with bacon bits on top or a couple of hollands pies (local speciality )..
  15. FagARoni

    FagARoni New Member

    Ze FagARoni may next speak to Mees Thing when hell freezes over. I wonder if Clintoon is getting his wiener-wheech reportedly bends left- tongue massaged? I don't read ze Clintoon as playing in zat ballgame... but what else explains that expressione?
    I doubt ze Space cadet weel show up here- unless it's to check to see eef peepls are saying thing about him. He doesn't haf ze balls or brains to yak on thees kinda site. Ze reason he was at LOTF was to he was afraid i talk about him. And ze only time i really did was because he showed up. Thatta show him stupido.
  16. pesky vanice

    pesky vanice New Member

    What is wrong with Mrs.Blair? She and her husband appear quite likable. When they used to talk about 'The Third Way' I do not think they meant socialism, but developed nations providing more equitably to provide security health care and education for all citizens.
    That's called progress.
    And what's the deal with insulting some dumb actor? I don't get it. Is it likely somebody of Spacey's stature would know somebody calling himself 'Fagaroni'? I knew this site looked as crazy as an acid trip.
  17. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    That was a misprint on the Blair/Labour Party manifesto... it was meant to say 'The Blair Way' because it's patently obvious the guy is a meglomaniac wannabe world statesman flying the globe and selling his slick image.

    Whilst back at home the NHS, Transport, Education and social development continue to fail and degrade... and it's my fault because I voted for the shiny turd myself.

    Lib Dem anyone?
  18. stymie

    stymie New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dubya C Fields:
    and it's my fault because I voted for the shiny turd myself.

    Lib Dem anyone?

    Well you are not on your own. And John Major's been shagging Edwina Currie! The fuck is all that about? Wonder if she took it up the ass...
  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hey kev!.. when fag comes looking for forgiveness.. (which he probably will... you know how mood-changy he is).. will you be getting all 'john doe' on his ass, and re-enacting the "lust" scene??

    BTW.. when you're next in england.. d'ya fancy coming round for tea... my pizza with bacon bits is a lot better than shitty fucking McDonalds... though my hospitality does not go as far as fagaroni's
  20. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~pimpchichi~:
    hey kev!.. when fag comes looking for forgiveness.. (which he probably will... you know how mood-changy he is).. will you be getting all 'john doe' on his ass, and re-enacting the "lust" scene??

    BTW.. when you're next in england.. d'ya fancy coming round for tea... my pizza with bacon bits is a lot better than shitty fucking McDonalds... though my hospitality does not go as far as fagaroni's

    im a lot closer than him and i wanna come round for tea,ill fetch round a jar of our speciality uncle joes mint balls,and ill see how many i can ram up your ass.

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