mom is ODing right now... like she does ALL the fucking time. Found out the list of meds she gets from 3 docs... just call called all 3 docs. now they all know about each other, all know she ODs all the time. My mom looked FINE and happy this morning when she came to borrow 220$ she said it was for the regular doc that does her other meds... nope, at 10 am she saw a pain doc... at 1pm cold to touch, and not hardly breathing ( she does that a lot) everyone thinks I a shit head for not running to the ER... why, she does this 2 x a month... wtf could I do beside sit there and look at her .... get it over with, let her OD jesus fucking christ.
she does.. she has 3 docs giving her total 360 pain pills , 120 Eliville (sp) , 240 xanex , 240 somas, and a bunch of other shit... she eats pills all day,sleeps, wakes up ..smoke pot... eats a rice crispy treat.. eats more pills just got in a fight with one of the pain docs... who told me " maybe I should mind my own business" I said... naaa I think the DEA will mind YOUR business.... he freaked out and was nice then... hehe. said he will send her a termination letter today.
she has a house.. paid for... that is surronded by commercial shit....I dont care if I ever get anything.... plus, like she is going to the lawyer pay to change her will... she cant wipe her ass.... drive or anything. just checked her bank account online... she is overdrafted 189$
If, God forbid, she should ever take a turn for the worse... I know it's not much, but I'd like to help you out with taking care of disposing of those nasty prescriptions - in a way that wouldn't jeopardize any landfills, the public water supply, or enable anyone else to possibly endeavor to use said medications for immoral and/or illegal means. I got your back on this one.