Download and play around with this its kinda neat, Its a 2d Paint prog with physics, you can design shapes, place them on top of each other, then tip them over, throw objects at them and watch them tumble about the place.
Well well, somebody sucked all the life out of you. Its probably something for your kid anyway, or people with a sense of humour.. or people with a heart... or people with a loving, caring personality.. The only heart you have is in a jar, soaking in brine and located at the back of your lair.
Wow! Yeah Ed. That'll be it. How old are you? Twelve? Maybe you can threaten to post my address again now, the one i gave you just to reassure you you could trust me when i went to the hassle of sorting you out with something to cheer you up after your 'friends' had ripped you off and you had no money at Xmas. All for no benefit to myself, but just because i felt sorry for you. As well as the other favour you then asked me to do since you liked it so much. But hey, none of that actual, 3d reality counts for anything because i didn't like your "phun" and made a jokey remark about it in a forum. No wonder you don't have any friends. Who wants to know a whiny, oversensitive, unappreciative little dick. And i think you'll find it is actually you who is make that devoid... of a sense of humour.
Correlation does not equal causation. You want to slash your wrists because you know it would stop you from wasting your time typing in this forum.
But i'm sure it's simply brill-wicked-cool if you have a great sense of humour and a whole lotta love in your heart.
Actually I think it is neat that it uses physics like it does. I guess the one variable is the weight of the materials are the same. In other words to cannot make a steel ball and throw it at a cork wall or visa-versa.
I see Jiffy didn't delete this thread as requested. I suppose he only does that "accidentally" to 25 page long threads where he looks a complete asshole.