got hizacked.htm pics.... complete with stars phonenumbers, i called hillary duff but i got the machine
Figures she'd have a million pictures of herself on it. I think it's hilarious. Celebrities don't deserve privacy. That's the price they have to pay for being overpaid.
I called Christina Aguilera, it was disconnected Ashee Simpson- disconnected Fred Durst mailbox was full- he said go to Fergie is not THE Fergie, but her voicemail said she lost her cell phone and to leave a message or email her and she is in Europe atm Peta Wilson's phone just rang and rang and ran I couldnt get a hold of Eminem, that bastard!
Wendy: I don't get it, what does she do? Friend1: She's such a bitch! Wendy: But What does she do? Friend2: She's totally spoiled and snobby. Wendy: What does she do!?! Man behind Wendy: She's a whore!