The subject line, link, image and following text from a Neal Boortz's web page. We wake up this morning to see video on CNN showing rampaging Muslims around the world. In Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific Rim ... Muslim Mobs spreading mayhem. It seems that these mighty mad Muslims are rioting and firing their ever-present AK-47s into the air because of cartoons. Yup ... this latest epidemic of Muslim outrage comes to us because some newspapers in Norway and Denmark published some cartoons depicting Mohammed. In fact ... here is one of my favorites! Admit it, this turban/bomb thing could be the next big fashion hit on the Muslim street!
Wow... read some... then... whoa... um. let me tell ya. metabolism and you. I had something to reply with, but my present condition leaves me without any other discourse than to sign off and forget about posting anything else tonight. um, goodnight.
Perhaps we should steal all their oil ? More likely we will let them take over europe within a few generations. Its a shame that all that art of living shall be reduced to endless repetitions of how great and peacefull and nice gods and prophets are. Every second sentence. Its like that american expression you have. OH MYH GOOOD !!! Thats what repressive patriarcal systems do to you. But of course, they are better geared for war. Why not forget about that humanitarian shit for a while. There are to many people on this planet anyway. Them or us :evil: Of course the muslem line is that we do not respect their religion and that we kill their children. Of course, many westerners dont respect their religion. Respect is something you have to earn. But they do not really know how it would look if the western world REALLY wanted to kill their young hotheaded ones. To many peope anyway. Objectively we have to choose between scientifically minded cultures and that old tribal shit, and their "honor"
everywhere it says "No Muslim outrage" replace the word Muslim with- Democrat, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, AL Jazeera. It all fits into the same list The shit piece muslims did the deed. The shit piece pacifists pacify it!
Besides I just don't see what the hell all these damn A-Rabs are all babblin' and cryin about going halalalala! It's cuz they hate our freedoms!
well done. Add another one to that list, Muslims torch embassies in Damascus. I hate religion, it makes people morons. Or it motivates morons to be bigger morons, either way it's fucking stupid.
Well there are a lot of valid reasons to hate religion. I came from a really religious background Southern Baptist there at the church at least three days a week maybe more. Then at 17 I became extremely independent and moved out from under mom and pops roof. Thing is there are some really good religious people that will unfortunately probably burn in hell for devoting a lifetime to the worship of religion. It’s not the religion you’re supposed to worship regardless of Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Muhammad’s, Buddhism whatever. I think a large portion do it for social reasons. Or they think there buying a fire insurance policy. :wink: But who am I to make that judgement?
I still hate religion. People have just enough religion to hate each other, but it seems never enough to love one another.
I like religion. Just as long as i know were it comes from. From attempts at making the world understandable. Making it safe and good. Of course a lot can be blamed on R, but its like blaming the ocean for drownings and forgetting that we dont have to carry the boats around. The common root of religion theatre and science is a great place 8)
All of that is true, but the ocean is made by humans, religion is. I hold religion to the same standard of accountability that I hold government, and it doesn't measure up.
I believe that a case of assymetric comparison. Religion and government are not quite comparable entities. Religion wil be used by government, but there are many cases of religion refusing to be used. Secular governments can be just as bad. North-korea. Chile ( even though Pinochio went to church ). Iraq and others. When Taliban took over from the northern alliance, most in Kabul supported it. The rapes went down. The reason USarmy hesitated using the Nalliance was their rep was worse than talibans. Its hard to compare. How would morale be if hell did not threaten the killer, rapist, thief etc. Against the stonings and ironmaidens. Many priests have died fighting against their christian countrymens takeover of indian land.
wrong again, the comparison is based on the functionality aspect of religion and government. Religion and government exist for one reason, and that is to serve people. Government is supposed to protect persons and property, and religion is supposed to teach individuals values, and society morals. Neither one of these entities is able to meet it's established agenda. If they can't do their job, what the fuck is the point of them existing.
WOW, is that why you think religion is around? Religion exists only because there is no God or Gods around here on Earth to whip us into shape, and if there were, then it would just be called life.