Not only have I been temporarily disabled and unable to work, I go to the old board and get re-directed here. It's all bright and blue and scary!
What happened to you? Is this a long term problem, that we can have you entered into the special olympics? On the team of course. If so...there should be a free t-shirt in it for you.
Marty came out of the closet and is looking to turn this into a happier 'fun' place, hence the new board/color scheme... Soon we'll be able to add flowers and rainbows to our posts with the mere click of a mouse...
my neck and right shoulder/arm are all fucked up, i couldn't move my head at all for a while, but i've been on s teady diet of meds and have been resting a lot and things are getting better. i just can't sit at a computer for extended periods of time, ehich sucks because my job IS sitting behind a computer for 8 hours a day and answering emails. i hurt and am supposed to have an mri tomorrow, but i have to reschedule. and there you have it, the rest of the story. lomo
Lomo, I miss the old board. And whoever posted that thing about giving myself blowjobs, yeah, you got me pegged.