Open letter to mu douchebag of a brother, ALLEN

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    You can't seem to leave well enough alone can you? I remember when you were fired from your nice, cushy job at Grey, for sexual harassment, right before Christmas. Who was it who gave you a job, and also dumped $500 into your kids Christmas gifts for you? Ummmm that’s right, it was me. Well, who gave you extra money to keep your lights on? Oh yeah, that was me also. Who was the douche bag trying to put our parents in a nursing home, and gain power of attorney over there money, yes it was you. So you leave my store (mutually because I didn't want sexual harassment Charlie working in a store where I was going to sell adult products) and try to go to my friends store. Ben didn't like you, not me, hence the reason you weren’t hired. I didn't ruin your life you fucking drama queen. Now we leave each other alone, but that’s not good enough. You have to go to a store where a close friend of mine works and call me a fatassed cocksucker, and create a scene possibly loosing me a glass client. Wow, I guess your new job at Rent-A-Center in Smithfield delivering peoples furniture is unfulfilling. God forbid people from the internet call your work and tell you ALLEN, how much of a scumbag piece of trash you are, maybe tell your boss about you being fired from Pepcom for sexual harassment, not to mention, the exact same thing at Grey electrical. Maybe I could give you a glowing review, being your exboss, I could tell your current boss about all the "items" that appeared at my shop from your previous jobs? You are a thief, and a liar, and hopefully, we will cross paths soon. I certainly hope, none of my friends, (or there friends, so forth and so on) don't call your work...
  2. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    how old is this brother of yours?
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    almost 40
  4. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    :shock: I had a brother called Allen and he too was a complete waste of oxygen..maybe it's the name.
  5. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Every "Allen" I've ever known has turned out gay.....
    I see a correlation here.....
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Yanno, wuldn't surprise me.. I would goto his job and fuck him up, but he is the kinda nigga that would call the police on you
  7. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    in Billy Joel's video "Allentown" there are a bunch of fags, and they actually show some bare ass.
  8. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    I was in "Allentown" 2 days. Does that make me gay? I certainly wasn't bare assed..... but if it means I'm gay.... I guess I have to go find some cock to smoke.

    If does not in fact mean that I'm gay, then I will have fun scoping out the chicks in Tampa Bay this weekend.

  9. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    if you go to Ybor City there's sure to be a lot of Kitana look-alikes there. have fun!

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