I have recently, recived several PM's and emails about her. Let me say, I have no idea where she is, or if she is alive. Honestly, I could care less if she did kill herself. Discuss/ignore
Burying bodies is so ... incriminating. Tossing them overboard while on a stingray mutilating expedition is far classier.
Ive been thinking a lot about kitana lately and when i heard she was dead it really shook me ive been asking around about her and someone off the forums(who shall remain nameless) told me that you knew all about it dwain you had spoke to the family and where quite close apparantly that was bullshit,i stil have her number from an old post im gona ring it and find out the truth ill let you know,
Best way to rid yourself of a body is to go around to the cemeteries look for a hole ready to be planted the next day. Dig it about 3 feet deeper dump the body in cover it up. Then they will throw another body on it in the morning with another 6 feet of dirt. Last place anyone is going to look for a body is a Cemetery.