YouTube link to deadly school shootings I probably wouldn't have taken this guy seriously. I was on the IMDB last night and this guy was saying that he had the urge to kill people and that he had bought I dunno, gloves and a knife and stuff. I didn't take it seriously. He'll probably end up killing people. I just always thought people like that are seeking attention and the true weirdos are the quiet ones. I guess that's not the case.
Must be one of those urban legands totally fake I mean don't they have real strict gun control laws there?
You got that out of that Wikipedia article? The one that says that Finland is the 3rd most armed country in the world?
Yeah, US, Yemen and then Finland. I'm sure Finland will be changing their laws or at least changing the ways the schools are ran. They rarely have the bullshit that the US does in their schools. Sign of the times, I guess.
Lot of guns mostly rifles very strict rules. You will always hear this type news though around election cycles. You could graph it and see it plainly on a time line. Also the dollar value is low, terrible crimes are committed, crazy homeless people are in the streets, the world as we know it is ending, terrible famine, starvation, people getting old, having to work for pay. blah blah blah. This is in preperation for the polls and we will then be informed what our concerns are. What our confidence level is.