Just thought I would share this. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,449326,00.html Not sure why barry had to shoot em'.....
from the report - "The investigator also said alcohol may have been a factor." You know the LSU motto - "Win or lose, we shall booze."
Evergreen, Alabama. Half way between Mobile and Montgomery. They have one AM radio station - WPGG the "power pig". I swear, click here = http://www.radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/info?call=WPGG&service=AM
As in all armed conflicts, superior weapons dominate the battlefield. Why they were fighting is irrelevent. I saw the trailer they lived in on the news. It had the classic look of a crystal meth kitchen. That probably explains a lot.
that would have made for a much better story. If the dude outside had shot the trailer and the meth chemicals blowe'd up. "LSU Fan says no to drugs, blows up crimson tide meth lab"