On The Rambling Road

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by KevinISlaughter, Aug 14, 2002.

  1. KevinISlaughter

    KevinISlaughter New Member

    Since I just found this message forum, and have received a gentle bit of "razzing", I figured I'd intrtoduce myself properly with a humorous essay that I wrote. This was published in the most recent issue of "Not Like Most" magazine published by Purging Talon Publishing.

    Kevin Slaughter: On the Rambling Road

    Social Conditioning: something that leaves you dry and flaky

    You know, too many people are educated beyond their intelligence.

    Hold on… go back and read that again. Do me a favor and think about it. I probably don't need to write any more if you have really thought about that.

    Now there are a lot of great things to write about, and I've had the damndest time figuring something out. I suppose my first person narritive introspection seems like back in school when you couldn't think of anything to write and your teacher told you to write whatever came to your mind. "I don't know what to write about" has probably filled more notebooks than I'd like to know about. "I don't know what to write about" could almost be the mantra of public education, or as Blanche Barton so eloquently put it "Teaching pigs to sing" (or was it fly?).

    Public education is the first major step of social conditioning. At least, the first time a youngster is going to come into contact with face to face organized and targeted brainwashing. The outright lies and misinformation and just plain crap that is spewed forth from the orifices of the educators in America is astounding.
    But is it intentional? Is it the intention of our public school systems to intentionally impose these false beliefs onto the children who are, for all purposes, captives? Hell, I don't know. I doubt it. I think they are just the product of their own education, and society at large. People are quite delusional, and I'm not even sure if that is, at its root, a bad thing or a good thing.

    I'm not overly interested in education. There's a pretty good discussion there, but I don't have kids (none that I kept anyway), so it's of no real importance to me. What I'm interested in is this social conditioning, and more so, what lies underneath it, and every "societal ill" (if I may be so bold).


    There is this essential 1+1=3 problem that people base all their subsequent "calculations" on. People have belief that there is a god, that there is good, that there is love, that there is right. They truly accept these things as being real, but can never seem to give a concrete definition of. Maybe I'm crazy, but what the fuck is "love"? What the hell is "hate"… if you've answered that, then please, tell me what the hell is the difference between a crime done out of malice and a "hate crime".
    You've got a rather large percent of the population that believes (or "has faith", i.e. unfounded opinion). They believe that humanity is somehow either created by, or invested with some sort of divine spark. That humanity is somehow sacred, and therefore any attack on that humanity was an attack on divinity. An attack on divinity is an attack on immortality. Divinity is the only link humanity has with immortality, and obviously, escape from death.

    Not that death of the body is some sort of Freudian root of the actions of man, because that wouldn't account for the suicidal lifestyles of so many people. The fact that people will intentionally reproduce when they believe that they have a horrible existence. The ones who seem to complain about how poorly they live always seem to be the ones having the most children. If that isn't suicide, I don't know what is.
    There is an article by an instructor at a US Military academy that wrote about how 3 out of 4 American soldiers in World War II never discharged their weapons. The paper focuses on teaching soldiers why and whom it is morally justifiable to kill. These soldiers are raised with the pretense that there is a spark of divinity inside of us, and by logical extension, killing another human is much like killing themselves or worse, god. I don't think too many of them could or would articulate it in that manner, but when you break it down…that's it.

    Training methods were changed, we taught our soldiers to fire without thinking by use of brainwashing techniques (in any other field that's what they would be referred to as). By the Vietnam war we were up to a 90% firing rate. Our fighting men were killers. And of course, our citizens freaked out when those killers came home and still wanted to kill. What? Our programmed murders are having trouble integrating into our peace and love society? That's crazy.

    But why do we need to train our killers to be anything but? Why do we need to train our police to be social workers? WHY AREN'T WE TRAINING OUR CITIZENS TO DISBELIEVE?!

    1+1=2, 2-1=1 and then we can get to the advanced stuff. Once we have a common system based on the idea that people are animals, and that animals a) eat b) sleep c) kill d) fuck e) shit (in any manner of order or curious combination). But I don't think that will ever happen, so I'm not preaching it. I'm sure there are some who will agree, and a hell of a lot who will disagree. Well fuck 'em, they probably think a river in Egypt is going to dry up when trumpets blare and winged beasties will come spewing forth. Or even worse, they think people are essentially "good natured" (worse because that is a creeping and more subtle derangement).

    People have been educated beyond their intelligence.

    There are some very stupid people that have been given a voice by some very intelligent people. I don't know that I understand why, but I'm sure it's got something to do with money. Not that I have a problem with money, it's just sad that this is the way certain people decide to go about obtaining it. The boat headed north into the icy seas, and one crewman keeps yelling out "we are going to sink if we keep heading north", but all the others bicker about the "unfortunate" living conditions on the ship as it keeps heading north to death (heard that one? Thanks Ted).

    It's a bad situation. I'm not changing it, because I cannot. You aren't going to change it, you cannot. "We" cannot change it, because there are way too many people who believe that 1+1=3, and that faith cannot be contested because it is their link to divinity and immortality.

    Y2K sealed it for me. That closed the book on any idea I had of possible revolution (if I had a part in it or not). What happened? A few credit card machines in Holland malfunctioned. I watched the news, and couldn't understand it. "Maybe they are suppressing these stories to stop copycats", I was wishing. It's not that I really wanted to see a group of armed revolutionaries killing whatever enemy they had chosen (although it would have proven to be better entertainment than fireworks shooting off the Eiffel Tower). It's because that when nothing happened, it meant people weren't revolting. The next morning I searched the internet… nothing. Could it be? Are people that complacent? Are people that conditioned. They can be scared into consuming a lot of Y2K preparation software and dehydrated water, but have been beaten so far into submission where they wouldn't actually manifest this fear into some sort of bloody rampage? Not even one, or one dozen? Out of the 275,562,673 (July 2000 est.) people in the 9,158,960 square kilometers of landmass in the United States, there wasn't just .00001% ( a little over two dozen people) that thought "NOW OR NEVER, LET'S KILL!"

    As many fucking people claim belief in god, especially the ones that claim that the texts of the bible are the actual words of this god, there wasn't a tiny group of them that just bugged out? Does this mean that science has won? The scientific revolution has taken control of the populace? Reason, for the people! No… I think it's much more telling of the fact that people are not only believers, but that they are also slaves.

    We have educated people about love, and hate, and god, and order, and peace, and right, and truth, but they aren't intelligent enough to know what these really mean. So instead they believe in them. They have faith in love. They have faith in truth.
    They have been educated beyond their intelligence.

    [ August 14, 2002: Message edited by: Kevin I. Slaughter ]
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That was too long. I scrolled through the whole thing after the first sentence. You spelled receive wrong. I before E except after C (with a few exceptions, I know )
  3. KevinISlaughter

    KevinISlaughter New Member

    Well, the rest has been spell checked before posting (though there may be an error or three left, and "received" fixed in the one sentence you read.

    It is a bit long for a message board, especially on one that seems fixated on pictures of venereal diseases.


    [ August 14, 2002: Message edited by: Kevin I. Slaughter ]
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Oh fucking hell-wrong thread!

    [ August 14, 2002: Message edited by: Nursey ]
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    There's no 'a' in sentence!
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Hey Ill read tha tsoon, but my ass fucking hurts, and my doctor won't come off with any pain meds, so iMay have to go get some herion
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    please note that Spelling-Bee Pukey has long given up on the pointless task of correcting IMC's spelling...
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    and I don't blame her... not one bit...

    Bad spellers untie!
  9. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    I don't think that public school educates by providing facts and skills, I think it brainwashes by forcing students into a controlled environment. Students are taught to seek authority figures and obey. Have you ever heard any of these little gems?
    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>"Each statement you make in your essay must be supported by three documented sources."
    <LI>"Every teacher uses slightly different rules of punctuation. Use whatever rules your current teacher gives you."
    <LI>"Don't argue with the professor, just shut up, get your 'C' and move on."
    <LI>"This class is graded on a curve."
    <LI>"Authority is transient but must always be obeyed without question. If you do not obey you are 'Wrong' and may be punished. Compete for the approval of authority."
    [/list]Well, that last one is never really expressed, but I think it's presence is evident in the other four. The fact is, most learning is private or at least done in a private institution. How many people do you hear about who graduate from high school without the ability to complete a sentence or do more than the most elementary math? So what did they learn over a period of 12 years? They learned to obey authority without question.

    God, to most people, is the Ultimate Authority. How could you live a single day without at least some idea of what your purpose for living is? What if you're living "wrong"? Will you be punished (i.e. by hell, reincarnation, oblivion, or having to watch Oprah)? Any purpose you make for yourself seems hollow because you are conditioned (by educational, church, or other institutions) to seek authority. You cannot think for yourself or set your own goal. That's God's purpose to most people; To set a goal.

    [VOICE OF GOD] Live ye like this and do that because if you do you are good. [/VOICE OF GOD]

    [VOICE OF MAN] Great! Now that that's all cleared up I can get back to tilling the fields and not worry so much about wasting this life that I don't understand! [/VOICE OF MAN]

    The voice of God in our lives has recently been replaced by education... "Give up your comforts and obey in this life and you will have treasures later in heaven" has been replaced by "Show aptitude for obedience and recognizing authority and you will be trusted with an important career".


    There is so much talk nowadays about shaking off old ideals and taboos. Revolution! Kill Whitey! Fuck the Man! Teacher leave those kids alone! I say that's just as great a folly as obedience.

    So lets say you do throw off the yoke of society. You are free!

    Now what?

    I say there will be no answer. I Know what it means to live with the real realization that there is no answer. I say, when faced with that emptiness, 99% of people will cave and seek new authority or faith.

    I certainly did. I can't find it, though. I can't believe anymore. I'm stuck shivering with the suffering of existence weighed against the terror of non-being. I think that anyone who says that I'm weak and can't hack it has never really stood face to face with nihilism and really felt the no-thing. Now what do I do?

    I think that the real revolutions will be against the horror of free thought. Or maybe that's what "Education" is; An old revolution?

    Or maybe I just need to whack one off and take a nap.


    [ August 14, 2002: Message edited by: Minister Saint-Fond ]
  10. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    By the way, thanks, I enjoyed that post a lot.
  11. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    well if i didn't exist neither would this universe... thats me got my reason for existence
  12. Yummy

    Yummy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    By the way, thanks, I enjoyed that post a lot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I am too, although a few pictures of kids with STDs would have livened it up a bit

    I will read Minister's long ass post soon, too.

    BTW...isn't someone supposed to be giving this Newbie shit???
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~pimpchichi~:
    please note that Spelling-Bee Pukey has long given up on the pointless task of correcting IMC's spelling...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    IMC has grace.
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    I see your views on life as being flawed in the same way as science...and our logic based language and therefore reasoning process...well...dated science...the most progressive,cutting edge scientists are beginning to sound more like they are describing the Bhagavadgita or the I Ching with the concepts they are toying with nowadays.They are going beyond black or white...or binary,into the quantum age.
  15. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    IMC has grace. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    the only reason she gave me grace, was because I told her she could touch my Tool backstage pass when we meet :)
  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You mean I can touch it out of the plastic?
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    'The Tao of Physics'

    Fritjof Capra

    Because of its notion of dynamic patterns,generated by change and transformation,the I Ching is perhaps he closest analogy to S-matrix theory in Eastern thought.In both systems,the emphasis is on processes rather than objects.In S-matrix theory,these processes are the particle reactions that give rise to all the phenomena in the world of hadrons.In the I Ching,the basic processes are called 'the changes' and are seen as essential for an understanding of all natural phenomena:

    The changes are what has enabled the holy sages to reach all depths and to grasp the seeds of all things

    These changes are not regarded as fundamental laws imposed on the physical world,but rather-in the words of Hellmut Wilhelm-as 'an inner tendency according to which development takes place naturally and spontaneously'.The same can be said of the 'changes' in the particle world.They,too,reflect the inner tendencies of the particles which are expressed,in S-matrix,in terms of reaction probabilities.
    The change in the world of hadrons give rise to structures and symmetric patterns which are represented symbolically by the reaction channels.Neither the structures nor the symmetries are regarded as fundamental features of the hadron world,but are seen as consequences of the particles' dynamic nature,that is,of their tendencies for change and transformation.
    In the I Ching,too,the changes give rise to structures-the trigrams and hexagrams.Like the channels of particle reactions,these are symbolic representations of patterns of change.As the energy flows through the reaction channels,the 'changes' flow through the lines of the hexagrams:

    Alteration,movement without rest,
    Flowing through the six empty places,
    Rising and sinking without fixed law,
    It is only change that is at work here.

    In the Chinese view,all things and phenomena around us arise out of patterns of change and are represented by the various lines of the trigrams and hexagrams.Thus the things in the physical world are not seen as static,independant objects,but merely as transitional stages in the cosmic process which is the Tao:

    The Tao had changes and movements.Therefore the lines are called changing lines.The lines have gradations,therefore they represent things.

    As in the world of particles,the structures generated by the changes can be arranged in various symmetric patterns,such as the octagonal pattern formed by the eight trigrams,in which opposite trigrams have yin or yang lines interchanged.The pattern is even vaguely similar to the meson octet discussed in the previous chapter,in which particles and anti-particles occupy opposite places.The important point however,is not this accidental similarity,but the fact that both modern physics and ancient Chinese thought consider change and transformation as the primary aspect of nature,and see the structures and symmetries generated by the changes as secondary.As he explains in the introduction to his translation of theI Ching,Richard Wilhelm regards this idea as the fundamental concept of the Book of Changes:

    The eight trigrams were held to be in a state of continual transition,one changing into another,just as transition from one phenomenon to another is continually taking place in the physical world.Here we have the fundamental concept of the Book of Changes.The eight trigrams are symbols standing for changing transitional states; they are images that are constantly undergoing chage.Attention centers not on things in their state of being -as in chiefly the case in the Occident-but upon their movements in change.The eight trigrams therefore are not representations of things as such but of their tendencies in movement.

    In modern physics,we have come to see the 'things' of the subatomic world in very much the same way,laying sress upon movement,change and transformation and regarding the particles as transient stages in an ongoing cosmic process.

    [ August 15, 2002: Message edited by: Nursey ]
  18. 1337

    1337 New Member

    Hi Nussey!
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Ooooooh!!1337!!Hey slaughterman...prepare to be pwned!
  20. 1337

    1337 New Member

    dont kall her Nusery

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