OK now that I'm home and can post a bit tonight was nutts at work. Anyway I never really liked the first Omen that much. It felt like it was trying to hard to be like the Exorcist to me. Maybe its just me on that but I would think others had that wibe. The way it was filmed seemed. Rose Mary's Baby felt the same also. Which I did enjoy it. I just hope on the remake they are able to get away from that wibe as its been 20 years. I'm hoping for a real winner here.
bitch that's not your birthday, that's my birthday. The chances of there being two assholes on this forum regularly with that same birthday is pretty small, so you're probably full of shit.
06/06/1982, Born at Saint Jude Hospital in Fullerton California. I have no idea what time though, never really mattered to me. I think it's Neil Armstrongs birthday as well. What are the odds of that, 2 assholes and an astronaut (walk into a bar).
06/06/84 Kicks ass having a birthday on 06/06/06. Hope things don't start sucking before then, I'm having one fucking unholy birthday party if not.
Actually with a room with 50 or so people it becomes a near certainty that two people have the same birthday. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox
i don't think i've met more than one person in my entire life that's had the same birthday as me: March 8th