Ok, ever since the karate kid and all the other people he posts as popped up, I knew that I had seen him somewhere before..then last night as I was trying to decide which movie I should pass out watching, it hit me. I ran to my Troma collection.... He's Toby Radloff!!!!!!!!
oh thats diverse, im some where along the lines of mexican, native american, german, english and some other shit i fail to remember.
The moonbeams reflecting off your glasses would render your stealth shite, with the prism effect the alleyway would be lit up like a bowling alley ...
Heh, no actually yer in better shape than me. I was just making a genneral sort of comment. But yeah, lick my nuts gay faggor jew nigger.
watch out,he owns a pair of black pants and sweater,probably a zorro mask to,very stealth,I bet he even makes a WHOOSHING sound with his mouth to make him feel stealthier
Collected corrections from here & elsewhere for the benefit of the forum's most recent pseudo-intellectual who slept through most of school: semitic, not 'semantic' (not even close there, genius) segregation has only 2 g's wino (being a derivative of wine), not 'whino' token, not 'tolken' Such language-mangling totally destroys the illusion that you're halfway educated. In the future, do spend the extra few seconds it takes to double-check your usage of big words with which you're not very familiar at, say, merriamwebster.com. As for your overall trolling performance: your multiple accounts are too transparent and used ineffectively. Picture posts are excessive in number and - excepting their vaguely homoerotic undertones - banal overall . And your references are too obscure and/or nonsensical in context (e.g. Richard Stallman) to have any impact. I'm sorry, but your trolling technique is pretty weak, and on a 1-to-10 I have to give you a 3. :roll: Keep practicing.