How do you all feel about "President Obama"? Personally, I like the guy. I think it would be a great thing to have the first black President.
Maybe if he were a moderate republican, but yeah, most of the ideas he throws on the table I just happen to agree more with others that feel a tad differently on certain subjects.
wow, don't you relize that the republicans want your "el peopleo to go-o el home-o?" I don't vote, but Obama seems like a candate of the people, concerned about healthcare, and a equal society. Plus he pisses off the conservative religious right, thats a plus. Fred Thompson. He was a Lawyer that's a point against him. He was actively involved in the Nixon investigating against him as a lawyer. He also wimped out on prosecuting Chinagate opting instead to allow Clinton to crash and burn via nookiegate. All points against him. But he is the only true conservative on the panel. That’s looking at his real record. And this speech is one of the best I have herd in style and sustenance. He goes by his own agenda refusing to allow the media to set the pace the debate and platform. So he seems to be smarter than then and able to take them on at their own game. The last and only president that I have ever known to do that was Regan. Clinton I believe was savvy enough to handle the press but did not need to they were always on his side from the start to the end. Thompson has about won my vote in how he handled that recent debate where he put the moderator in her place and in this speech also. That’s on top of the fact that he has a real legitimate conservative voting record.
The legal process is hard enough even though our society is much more open than European countries for instance. It is still an insult to Legal immigrants that Illegal immigrants cheat the system and are rewarded with amnesty. You two are out of touch I have lots of Mexican friends that are legal and feel the same way. While the Democrats think winning the Mexican vote is a cake walk simple convince them that its an us verses them thing. I say they are wrong. Mexicans are self sufficient and do not need to be bought with a welfare payout. Look at the Cubans in Florida and you will see the same sort of dynamic. A large conservative base because they have seen socialism face to face and do not buy into the propaganda. At least that is my optimistic view.
The same Democrats that called Rice "nigger" and "aunt Jemima" The same democrats that hate Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas with a vengeance and call him an idiot and tried to have him investigated and disbarred on proven since then false allegations. The same Democrats that upon hearing about suggestions that General Powel may run for president immediately formed a strategy to attack his wife and family. The same Democrats that did the same thing with Condoleeza Rice. Yeah those Democrats are eager to get an Uncle Tom into the seat so they can pull his strings.
I don't get a vote since I'm Australian (unless I can have yours Dwayne - how about it?). But I reckon Obama would be cool, even if he jacks up all your tariffs and screws the Australian wheat farmer. Then again, the first woman president would be cool too. Anyone except that happy-clappy Huckabee would be okay with me.
Voting Obama because he is black is to be a racist. Here Colin Powell sums it up as well as contradicts himself in an abstract way. Then Powell is viciously attacked for endorsing the idea that Obama is making a successful bid for Presidency. The irony here is that Powell while denouncing the idea that someone look at Obama as a black man running for presidency as opposed to a man running for presidency who happens to be black. Pointed this out why well because Obama is a black man running for presidency. Of course he is attacked by the Democrats as he always has been. My reply:
I don't really care who is president but it would be nice for it not to be some old white man. I don't care who is president because I don't believe the president has much power other than to veto stuff, right? I'm not a political person.
You are right to a great extent the President actually end of being the whipping boy for the ones who are really to blame congress. The president can make appointments, most notably in some peoples opinion judicial appointments. But then there are many various others. The president can sign or veto a bill written by congress. But this is a considerable consolidation of power. The whole deal with the judicial appointments is remember a supreme court judge is pretty much there weather we like it or not till they die or decide to retire. One of the biggest hoax's ever on the people by the press is regarding judicial appointments. Most appointed judges are more left wing liberal then the population. The objective of the left is to get as many radically left appointments as possible and re-write the constitution. The irony is that a lot were appointed by conservative presidents in fact the majority. In the case of a Liberal president, senate, congress axis of evil the amount of power wielded can be both considerable and frightening. Brace yourself if it happens for a Hugo Chaves style decimation of political adversaries.
Looks like Hillary and McCain took NH. So I guess Obama is going to get moved to the back of the bus, wait, no, I mean, well know what I mean....
If I had to choose between Hillary and Obama though, id choose Obama. He at least seems like someone with fresh ideas and persepectives.