Obama won...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Icenhour, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    so whacha think about that?
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Never underestimate the staggering power of idiots in large numbers.

    Or, for that matter, the staggering power of dead voters in large numbers.

    Not that I didn't see it coming (and one reason I picked up my custom-order AR-15 lower receiver today,) but I was crossing my fingers for a decrease in the democratic influence in the house to bring some sort of hope that he can't enact his agenda with no opposition.

    If people think things are bad now, I hope they can find solace in the fact that our generation will probably spend our entire lives paying for the problems whose foundations are to be laid in the next four years.

    A bankrupt government being led by a spendaholic, with no possibility of the Legislative branch to keep him in check? Are you fucking kidding me? :rolleyes:

    That... and is that Katie Couric on CBS? I swear, I haven't seen a plastic-surgery smile that vivid since I watched Jack Nicholson in the Batman movie, and haven't seen eyelids stretched that far open since the last time I watched "Clockwork Orange."
  3. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    You're funny too, Lomo. You guys crack me up with this stuff.
  4. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    The Recession is more of a topic then any thing .. .

    There is no president we could possibly get in the White House who has the confidence and the gumption to pull out of it in a 2 year term ... . so I guess it's like a chinese finger trap ;ether way where screwed. But if I was American I would still vote obama, I just wanna see history made.. . So spendaholic in the White House , And the realization of there was never anything more then a bubble and a bit of deflation!
  5. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    Beers all around
  6. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

    *sigh* just when my dad's compnay was about to hit the 250K threshold. :(
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I still don't know... Was that the same Katie?!?

    Geez, this is killing me...
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    There will be a quick swing in the market, but not for long. I heard yesterday that Russia is already 'acting the fool', so I hope he is smart enough to try and get Colin Powell to be his Sec. of State, or Defense for that matter.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Record post election market slump.

    Economic cycles are just that cycles. The worst one in the 70s I believe took about a year and a half before we started seeing growth.

    Will he follow his already abysmal record of the worst post election market slump with the longest record suppression of growth?

    Russia knows damn well Obaby does not have the balls to stand Russia down. And has punked Obama with a two hour speech never mentioning the election or Obama but that they were setting up missile stations along their western boarders.

    If the idiot can manage to not hamper the economy more than he has already and there is a growth cycle beginning before 2012 the media will spin him to be some genius. The socialist world will sacrifice to see him as successful as a means to establish the idea that socialism is successful.

    They have already convinced the idiots that the mortgage crisis is not the result of socialist policies but rather de-regulation and devoted enormous resources in validating their theory to the sheep. The Wicapedia campaign started months ago at this.
  10. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I don't want to judge the man until we've see what he does.
  11. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

  12. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Your point is what? You disagree with the way he voted?
  13. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    My point was that she could infer, based on his voting record, what to expect from him in the future.

    How much damage does the man have to do before he can be judged? :rolleyes:
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    First of all he will go to Russia and sellout American security i.e. the missile shield to them in a back office deal and publicly work it out so that it looks like he is a true master of diplomacy.

    He WILL screw the economy up and extend recovery time for the market. They will spin on being a product of the Bush years. He will massively grow the government as well as the deficit. Once again all Bush's fault.

    But what they can really spin is that he is a master of diplomacy with countries around the globe who in their own interest would gain from Obama selling out America.

    Also they will likely say he improved crime problems and that Kids are smarter. Both of these will fly in the face of logic while numbers can easily be manipulated his work in Illinois indicates an abysmal record in dealing with these matters.
  15. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Why are all republicans also conspiracy theorists? Seems they go hand in hand with each other.
  16. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Damage? What damage do you think he's already done?
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think the Dems have the upper hand on conspiracy theories, just look at how bush orchestrated 9/11 and also used his hurricane machine on New Orleans.

    Lomo was pointing out his voting record. It's easy to get on stage and lie about what you've said or done. Looking at his voting record shows what he has actually voted for, or against. His beliefs are tied up in his votes. I am to a point now where I think we need to support whomevers in the white house, wether we voted for him or not.
  18. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Conspiracy theorists do not have the balls to predict the future which is what I'm laying out for you. Conspiracy theorists only bitch about the past. Conspiracy theorists are almost always hindsight in their view. They throw wild imaginative stories out there accusing some person or institution of only lying to cover themselves. Such as the Kennedy assassination, the 911 theorists.

    There is a huge difference for instance in my 2006 election post I established with a great deal of accuracy that a good economy would be sabotaged by a Democratic congress. Looks like it happened and thanks to the media spin it was to their gain.

    Now the Dems have control of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. How pray tell are they going to blame the Republicans now?

    FACT: Obama will grow the government more than it is.
    FACT: The economy will suffer like it did under Carter.
    FACT: Obama will raise taxes on almost everyone.
    FACT: The only false legacy they can attempt to build upon as far as I can see is Obama the great diplomat. He can give Russia the needed technology to jam our missile shield technology then Russia can in turn say they were charmed by the great diplomat Obama into cooperating with American defensive missile shield ambitions.

    Obama the great peace keeper. I'm sure Iran will be throwing him some bones. Hamas, the PLO, the list of freedom haters is long. They will be waiting in line for a publicity photo op with the great diplomat anything for the cause.
  20. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    The economy is already suffering. Haven't you seen the news lately? Bush's $800 billion bail-out did nothing; he might as well have blown all that dough at the race tracks.

    I don't get Americans. They bitch and moan about lack of funding for schools, the substandard Medicare system and social security system, yet throw trillions at defence, pointless wars and bailing out banks and the financial sector. The money must come from somewhere, right?

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