I could post a whole dossier on ACORN what it is all about how it started (guess what Phat you pay for ACORNS shenanigans in more ways than one "tax dollars") The role ACORN played in the whole mortgage crisis. (A big part) its disgusting.
I thought it was very enlightening that there are clear ties to Obama, but he has a post up on 'fightthesmears.com' or whatever contradicting the 'facts'. I HATE SHEEP.
Phat how do you ignore this. Rails Odinga I understand was born in Kenya and educated in Eastern Germany. He is a communist. He ran a campaign under Obama’s guidance in Kenya for president. Obama fund raised and campaigned for Odinga. Odinga claims to be Obama's cousin true or not that’s irrelevant though. Odinga is a Muslim who ran his campaign promising to impliment Sharia law to gain the support of the Muslim community. When Odinga lost the country went into chaos with violent riots by Odinga people. Almost a thousand Christian churches were burned down to the ground. Some with women and children in them seeking refuge from the violence on the streets. By Odinga radical Muslims.