bro i'm telling u to run that akon cd it's honestly one of the sickest cd's i've ever heard especially by a no name
yea akon's pretty raw too,i think his debut was in that song'locked up'dont know if youve heard it,is the name of the album 21st? and I DL'ed ghetto,shit aint bad
album name is Trouble, locked up is on it too the remix and the original, he's got another crazy song called gunshot tjat's not on the cd but it's more then worth the time you can garb the cd on all u need is bit torrent if u dont have it i can send it to u over msn it's like 5 k, the fabolous cd is crazy too, well the non-love songs anyways
Whoa, speaking of being twelve I havn't listened to Pantera since I was 12..hmm.. I think I will dload some...
pantera, tool, system of down, wumpscut, alice in chains, black flag snapcase righteous shit like that M&M is at best funny, but how many times do you lkisten to a stand up routine? once or twice then the joke gets old
How dare you mention TOOL in the same sentence as Black Flag...DEZ CADINA IS FLIPPING OVER IN HIS GRAVE...if he has one...
tool fucking rocks have you heard hooker wuth a penis? or sober? btw i didnt know dez died ive seen rollins like 6 times, hes still rocking
He didn't , but maybe he has a grave, ya never know with him therefore the if...bu I really cannot stand tool, no offense.
if youre into that old punk you should check out the misfits, specially this one song: skulls fucking awesome speciall the lyrics other great 80s punk bands: dead kennedys, minutemen, flipper, MC5
figures youd have shitty taste in music, what do you listen to dweeb? britney spears and justin hisgayass? or that ugly american idiol chick?
did you figure that out on yourself? cause im not 100% sure yet but that might qualify you for a nobel prize or something? i already said i picked horus cause it sounds like whore, a bit on the slow side are we?