You should put this in the C.R.A.P(tm) forum. To answer your question, any info is enough to get you some C.R.A.P(tm). The more information, the better the C.R.A.P.(tm). If you send us something we already know, we'll send you some lint from our pockets or some pencil shavings. If you help us find the actual owner or the creator of a video, we'll send you something good, like a T-Shirt and some stickers. Maybe even some of Harlan's mom's old Burt Bacharrach albums!
How much info do we have to offer in order to get some C.R.A.P? I know a few things about some of the videos, such as their authenticity and origins, but I can't tell you about the specifics (e.g., the names of the people involved, when it was shot, etc.). Is that enough info? I really want a Fugly sticker. ------------------ We are as genitals unto the gods. They play with us for their pleasure. —Lord Melchett, Blackadder II, 1985