Nominations for dead people

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Nauseous, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Been feeling mean lately. Don't know if this is the real me or the mean me speaking, but anyway...

    I don't know what a Golden Globe is and I don't care, but wtf is Heath Ledger doing in the running for one? It seems really silly and a very PC thing to do. I think the stupid trophies should go to the living actors.

    I can understand real awards for humanitarians who died tragically, but not this trophy junk on dead actors who couldn't handle their pills.

    I'll never understand an industry that overpays and spoils these people to the hilt and then acts like it's some great tragedy when one of them kicks it. As far as I'm concerned, they can all OD. But what would the the third world children do without rich white families to adopt them?
  2. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Who unrinated in your oat rings?

    BIGMAMA New Member

    sorry Nauseous... but that was funny.

    I know what you mean, I get sick of headline using the word "tragedy" just because someone that dies was famous.
    I have never seen a news story about some middle class drunk pill head ODing and being definded as TRAGIC.

    I am so sick of celebrities in general. Sick of shows glorifing someone for the multi million $ house, and face creams that costs $900 per half ounce "SHE BATHES IN IT"
    and stupid people just eat it all up-and worship these humans because they are over paid.... I hope they all end up like MC Hammer - broke

    For me to like a celebrity- they have to do something worth while... at least some like Angelina Jolie , Pam Anderson, and few others... have done something humanitarianish.

    Although some like Oprah I think only do for tax reasons... and image reasons.
    I hate when one will do something...then BRAG forever about it..LOOK AT ME - GIVE ME PRAISE - TALK ABOUT ME..... take my picture holding a retarded kid... to me a real 'hero' does not ask for publicity.

    Heath Ledger - that was the Broke Back Mt guy right... what movie was he nominated for?
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Yeah, so a lucrative industry gives self-destructive individuals opportunities to indulge in their own demise. So?

    Any successful person has the same opportunity laid out before them - but do they get any media attention? Of course not - what's the point about blabbing about some slob that nobody knew?

    Attention whores like Tim Robbins & that inept wife of his, Susan Sarandon, while both have my praise in acting roles, have absolutely no business in flexing their popularity muscle in the political arena, as well as 98.6% of these types.

    Back to the topic, however - If I'm not mistaken, the "Golden Globe" award is meant to reward one's contributions towards cinema itself, right? Why on Earth would an actor or actress be disqualified if they couldn't personally accept the trophy? Is there some "You must be present to win" stipulation in the fine print?

    So what if this moron couldn't handle his pills? He did one hell of a job playing the Joker in that recent Batman movie - all but slugged Nicholson in the jaw --- and you're saying he should be excluded from the awards ceremony because he isn't around to make a speech?

    If we adopt that rationale...

    Maybe we should quit recognizing Lincoln as the man that "formally" ended slavery.

    Maybe we should stop idolizing and recognizing John Lennon.

    Maybe we should forget about the end of the Cold War, because that dude's dead, too.

    Honestly - I don't care if he was ass-raped in his last film (or did the ass-raping himself, I still don't know which one he was, nor do I care) - this man stepped up to the plate and delivered a performance onscreen that eclipsed anything else I'd seen all year.

    To rob him of recognition just because he's not there to smile in front of the cameras is a slap in the face for every actor that endeavors to entertain people, including future audiences, long after they're pushing up daises.
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Maybe it bears repeating...

    I said I could understand if it was some great humanitarian getting an award, but this is Hollywood. Everything is superficial and showy. Especially the awards. Only in Hollywood can someone become even more loved and admired after they kick the bucket. Problem is, their conceited ass won't be around to appreciate it.

    I don't think you have to be physically present to accept the award but I think it's a good idea to give some shallow award so someone who is... I dunno, not dead. Give him his props in a cheesy montage and move on. He's dead. Give the award to someone who can actually do something with it, like hold it in their sweaty hand or stick it in their ass.

    If these people were true artists, they wouldn't care to make hand over fist or need an award to make them feel like they accomplished something, but since they do, it should go to someone who can actually enjoy it.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh, no... you said Oprah. I cringe when I think about Oprah.

    But yeah, I give Angelina and Brad credit for helping out others, especially down in New Orleans. But it makes me wonder who many celebrities do stuff anonymously.
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    No, Sean Penn did a great service in NO.

    Too bad he didnt get shot while he was down there.

    I, like Lomo, do not like celebrities using their popularity as a soap box for political parties. They always say stuff like 'real Americans need this' when realistically, they arent real Americans. They dont worry about the mortgage, car payment, power, saving for college, or if the economic downturn will cost them their job. All they know is they lost .oo1% of their stock value and its unbearable to them. There must be 'change'.

    Heath played the Joker better than anyone else ever has (yea even better than Jack). His performance was outstanding (acting crazy is easy when your hopped up on pills). He acted as a queer cowboy all the while he was banging one of the olsen twins (if not both). He deserves an award for that.
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'm not trying to begrudge him of his "outstanding performances" in movies that I will never watch. I just think it's silly to give out a tangible trophy award (that's all it really is, a trophy and a speech) to someone who no longer physically exists.

    If someone watches and likes your movie, that is recognition enough in my book. You don't need a star on the walk of fame or a gawdy nicknack, especially when you are dead.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well I finally clicked onto this thread and read your post. Preach on sister I'm right behind ya!

    Why do they feel compelled to step out of their job description and tell me what I should think. :mad:

    And actor is a paid liar. A paid fake or fraud that is paid because they do it well.
  10. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I also hate it when celbs think they have more of a say in anything than a "normal" person. But that has nothing to do with the topic, i think, i'm sort of drunk..but. Heath Ledger, even if he was alive, deserves a fucking award for his portrayel of the the Joker. His performance was nothing short of bone chilling. Nauseous, did you see the movie??

    At any rate I know movie snobs, that hate comic movies that think that this one was nothing short of amazing.

    And remember, I'm a Marvel boy, not a D.C. boy, even though I live in D.C. ;)
  11. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Oh oh, and Nauseous (i didnt read everything in this thread untill now) if you think the award is just stupid, why do you care who it is awarded to??

    Also, let the record state that I really do like Nauseous and enjoy her imput.
  12. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    And finally, Ledger gave the performance while he was still alive, so should it matter that he is dead now??
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'm not saying not to recognize him. Hell, give him his own award and name it the 'Ledger award'. I still think that these award shows are for publicity and it would be smart to pick people who are going to go on and make more movies and make the industry more $$$. He's done.

    I don't care if he wins the damn thing. I wouldn't be watching it. I just felt like bitching.

    It was either that or bitch about the Casey Anthony deal. It was a coin toss.

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