Based on the path Katrina took: ...anybody willing to bet that Rita will take a turn North and smack into New Orleans too? I got 5 bucks says New Orleans is going to be under water again by Monday. Any takers?
I say it will hit east of Houston, and will do little to New Orleans. If it were being steered by the Governement, as many believe, it would hit west of Houston. The western side of a hurricane is much worse. A western hit of a cat 5 on Houston would REALLY paste the oil industry. Look for a strong cat 3 Rita by landfall. It will weaken as it hits cooler water. It should also turn north soon, as do almost all Gulf storms. Expect a hit centered on the border of LA and TX, which will do minimal damage. I got this straight from my superiors, so I know it is true. Barry
Where did your superiors get it from??? Maybe you could tell them to set off that earthquake in California, I'm looking to pick up some property out here, and the market is way too inflated.
Well it looks like houston is going to get hit with the western side of the hurricane. It changed direction again and is now headed just northeast of houston. MmMM, I can smell all the spilt oil and crushed refineries now. It looks like it's really going to PASTE the industry. Especially if the ones controlling this hurricane have anything to do about it.
Not to start a bank run or anything, but you all might be interested in putting your savings into an on-demand account. Just in case there's a "banking error." That is, if you believe there could still be some catastrophic economic fuckups because of the gas shortages to come. It's not the end, right away, but people will realize real soon and with the depression that kicks off. I kinda hope the earthquake hits us first, so I can go plundering in all the chaos.
Well, for the more civilized. I'm doing the same thing you're doing ghost, but a lot of people can't do that.
You are right. I have a hard time remembering my right from my left as well. Anyway, Houston should still be on the easy side. Oh, and you are still a twit. Barry
Unless of course that doesn't matter, and the hurricane goes west at the last second, much like katrina went to the east. Or they blow up the refineries and blame it on the hurricane.
or they blow up the hurricane and blame it on a refinery or they blow each other and blame it on the right wingers or they blow up the Astrodome and blame it on the neegroes or they blow up the Johnson Space Center and blame it on aliens or they blow up the Easter Bunny and blame it Santa Claus or...or...or...or...another hurricane roars through the Gulf just like they have every year for the past 10,000 years, and everyone cleans up the mess afterwards and goes on living just like they have for all the years that people have lived where hurricanes hit. Barry
It's really hard for me to imagine what it must be like to be as insane as you are. I thought you were joking for a while, but you really do think that people can control hurricanes, don't you? You really are that nuts. That's fucking incredible.
Really, there's no way out, is there? I think the best thing for you to do is to kill yourself so that you don't have to suffer when all the shit hits the fan. Do it as soon as possible. Do it today.
The problem with crazy people is that they don't know they are crazy. Telling them that they are crazy only strengthens their delusions of persecution and reinforces their beliefs that they are the only ones who are NOT crazy. Barry
I just thought for a minute what it would be like to get GriMJesus and Smurfslappa in the same room for a couple of hours. Maybe rig a car up with some cameras and let them take a road-trip together. How funny would that be? How completely dangerous would that be? It would be like Brad Pitt from 12-Monkeys driving down the road with Brad Pitt from Kalifornia. God DAMN, man. That just cracked me up. I am sitting here giggling like a little girl.
: hay man we kan use this here car to pick up some whores and then maybe go lynch a niggar or too. : Don't you get it? Why do you think they sold us this car in the first place? Don't you get that it's reading our brain waves and using our combined powers to plot the course of the next Hurricane in the Gulf that will lead to catastrophic damage to the oil refineries and drive up gas prices so far that the entire economy collapses and we can't afford gas for it so we have to just GIVE it back to them!? : huh? : We better pull over. We need to get to a bank machine as soon as possible so that we can withdrawal all of our money because as soon as the gas-gauge reads 1/4 full, the Bush administration will be notified and an alien spacecraft that has been following our every move for the past three days will erase our memories and we won't remember our pin numbers. : i knoew this bi-polar chick who'll suck our cocks. I'm gonna see if I cant make her kill herself cuz that shit is just funny to me. i don't care much for bi polar chicks or nigggars but fuck it man : We need more tin-foil. How much is left? The tank is at 3/4. We need to pull over and find a bank machine and put another layer of tin-foil on the headliner of this car. I don't think we're going to make it. I've seen this happen before. Once we fill the tank, Dick Cheney is going to vaporize most of the gas in the lines with his telepathic powers. He does this all the time. That's how they make the hurricanes. They just amplify the signal. : huh? You could go on for hours like that.
Ok, so all that 'mmMMmm...plundering' crap is a bit much, apart from that, why does he get you all so riled up?