Both are slated for a Oct 2006 release, Chainsaw a week before The 13th's Friday the 13th relase. Both have about the same plot also, Both with tell the Orgins of the Leatherface & Jason. Now Leatherface I can understand as we do not know a whole hell of a lot about him. So yeah I can dig on what brought him to being what he is. Jason on the other hand, We pretty much already know all we need to know about him. Over all the films they have pretty much told his story where he came from how he died his mother and so on and so fourth. So of the 2 I think Chainsaw with win out and the 13th will be a flop.
Yeah how he died his mother how he came back to stalk crystal lake. Childhood shit like that. Stuff we already know
I agree with ytou, I would like to know more of the originas of Leather face. there has been so many remakes of the texas chansaw massicare, the one witrh that hot chick form seventh heven (Jessica Biel someone straightened me out)) I wanted to see her titties, no suck luck, to some horrid remake with the mad of the house had a remote contron for his fucked up leg (possible origoinal leatherface, saw accident?) but that wan was a real stinker...
I found myself watching the Chainsaw remake just because of that chick. Then I really missed the grampa with the hammer trying to kill the chick, like in the original. That shit had me laughing when he dropped that hammer on her head. I nearly pissed myself watching that. Of course the ''real footage'' at the end was kind of funny, I loved the 'mr. microphone' deal he was toting around. Of course the real tape would have been more like this... "Hey bill did you see the tits on that girl, damn I know why that fucking retard was chasing her." "Yea no shit, that bitch was a fox(70s lingo)" "What the f......" ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ