Andrew Adamson, the director of The Lion the Witch and the Waredrobe has just signed on to do the next movie in the series, Prince Caspian. Which is a good thing I think. He did the first one very well and it is always nice to see the same director kept on a series of movies if he/she did well the first time around.
Is it true the movie has a strong pro-christian theme? Something I've heard but never been curious enough to find out for my own damn self. I mean, I've got the internet. . .
It's a great film. starts of a little slow, but Tilda Swinton is the dogs bollocks. The battle scenes are impressive. I didn't really pick up a pro-christian message but the plot is very 'righteous' driven, if you know what I mean...
Actually, You can question Lewis' Christianity. Well, these stupid holier-than-thou guys can... Stupid Christian site that found some parallels between the Narnia series and ancient pagan beliefs I hate those people. Like Lewis didn't copy some of these older beliefs into his book because of lack of inspiration.