My true feelings on babies...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Mar 8, 2001.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Few things repulse me more than babies. The mere sight of one fills me with an intense disgust that can only be alleviated by the absolute destruction of the offending object. The idea that babies are 'cute' is a concept so foreign to my sensibilities that I really wonder if people who subscribe to that notion are in full control of their mental facilities. Babies are NOT cute. They are vile little creatures with no redeeming qualities. They require constant attention. They piss and shit all over themselves. They vomit with impunity. They cry and scream. They have to be kept clean. They are more prone to disease than a grown human. They look stupid. They must be hand fed. You have to dress them. What the hell is cute about any of that stuff?
    I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to have a baby in the first place. How boring and uncreative you must be! A baby is a full time job. Is there nothing in your life you enjoy doing? The best thing you can think of to do is to become a slave to some crying, shit machine? That's all you'll ever be from the day it's born. Just a meat robot who's job it is to feed and clothe and clean the baby. Gee, how exciting.
    I hate the way that whenever someone has a baby, they act like it's such a special and wonderful occasion. The mother will prance around and show off her new baby to everyone she meets. "Hey everybody, look what came out of my pussy! Isn't it just the cutest thing you ever saw?" Fuck no it ain't, and if you don't get that fucking thing out of my face, I'll twist it's little head right the fuck off!
    What really pisses me off is when people talk about the 'miracle of birth'. Gimmie a break! Webster defines miracle as: "An event that appears unexplainable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin". A new baby is squeezed out somewhere on earth every 10 seconds or so. That's not a miracle. If everyone who had a kid was emotionally and financially able to care for it, THAT would be a miracle.
    I hate it when I see some lame couple walking down the street, pushing a baby in a stroller. Just once I'd like to run up to them, grab the baby by it's feet, and smash it's head against the curb as hard as I could. The look on their faces would almost be worth the prison time. Same goes for people who have a baby seat mounted on the back of their ten-speeds. It would bring me such joy to hit them with my car. The exact moment when the baby's head strikes the pavement would be like the punchline of a really funny joke.
    People that have a baby think they deserve to get special treatment. They'll get no such favors from me! I WILL NOT give up my seat on a bus to a pregnant woman. If I see a woman pushing a stroller towards the entrance of a store, I WILL NOT hold the door open for her. If I'm in a public place like a movie theater and someone's baby is creating a disturbance, I tell them to shut the fucking thing up or get the hell out! Even some criminals I know won't rob a woman who has a baby. Hell, they make the BEST victims. Just run up to her and knock the baby from her arms. She'll be so focused on it's welfare that she won't even try and stop you from taking her purse.
    I'd like to go to a hospital maternity ward where all the babies are laid out in their own incubators. Then I'd fill each incubator with a different foul substance. One with piss, another with bleach, yet another with vomit. Then I'd hang out and watch the reaction of the parents who came to see their child and found it floating dead in a clear box full of shit. That would be great.
    I love the concept of crib death. Surprise! Your kid is dead. I wish someone would put out a 2 hour video that was nothing but the reactions of mothers who find their babies dead in the morning. I'd pay big bucks for that. I love miscarriages too. It's even better if the parents have already bought things for the baby, only to have it expelled in a dead, bloody mess. That would be another great video, The Worlds Funniest Miscarriages. You just know they'd end up airing it on the Fox network!
    The worse thing about babies is that they grow into children. I hate children even more than babies. They say that children should be seen and not heard? I don't even want to see them! But that's a whole other essay in itself...

    Im Chocked full of Iconoclast and its pronounced like this
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    don't you just wish these DUMB forum CUNTS'D stop FUCKIN POSTING THESE fucking NOVELS...

    does this mean you'll stop fuckin whingin about my little novellas..
    'cos if you do i'll recite the fable of the nigger pot and coon kettle
  3. Icare

    Icare New Member

    but you told me that the sucking reflex of a newborn was a magical touching experience for you!what was that about then!
  4. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    don't you just wish these DUMB forum CUNTS'D stop FUCKIN POSTING THESE fucking NOVELS...

    Hehe..Yeah,'you people write to much...'

  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yes Im a sell out
  6. Icare

    Icare New Member

    LEAVE HIM ALONE-i am in tears seeing IMC coming out of his shell like that- expressing himself here-the only place where he knows he is loved and accepted.Don't you see when someone is opening up their heart to you?Something very special and wonderful happened in here tonight!
  7. Phuck Ya

    Phuck Ya New Member

    Few things repulse me more than babies...

    I would have read the whole thing had it only been 2 or 3 lines... but you expect me to read all that bull shit? FUCK YOU!

    I will kill you all. Have a nice day.
  8. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    Though I wish no alliance with the Britt, I have to go with Pimp on this one. IMC you twisted fuck......they should have kept you in the pretty jumper.
  9. Icare

    Icare New Member

  10. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrangeDischarge:
    Though I wish no alliance with the Britt, I have to go with Pimp on this one. IMC you twisted fuck......they should have kept you in the pretty jumper.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey doy you have any pics of your kids I can laugh at?

    Im Chocked full of Iconoclast and its pronounced like this
  11. Scrawine

    Scrawine New Member

    I'm truly disturbed by that(honestly)
    Babies are CUTE even if they do all those things you said IMC.
    You'll change your mind when you have one of your own(not you literally-gf/wife/whatever).
    Mark my words you will love it 100%
  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yeah Ill love to beat it with various things I find laying around the house
  13. Scrawine

    Scrawine New Member

    Do you always have to turn something positive into a negitive?

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    my sister just gave birth (yesterday) to her 5th shit machine...

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scrawine:
    I'm truly disturbed by that(honestly)
    Babies are CUTE even if they do all those things you said IMC.
    You'll change your mind when you have one of your own(not you literally-gf/wife/whatever).

    Irish, how well do you know IMC? Gays like him can't have babies....
  16. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    hey IHN, you've seen me beat, and mentally abuse other peoples children before... tell these people.. I hate the little fuckers
  17. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrangeDischarge:
    Though I wish no alliance with the Britt, I have to go with Pimp on this one. IMC you twisted fuck......they should have kept you in the pretty jumper.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hehe...Looks like the new bitch is trying to brown-nose Pimp!

  18. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrangeDischarge:
    I have to go with Pimp on this one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    which way... i just commented on the length of the piece... my post had no concern with the content...
    i think it a magical piece of creative prose... and it is all the more special because of the reactions it caused amongst you lot...
    when will you ever learn...
  19. Icare

    Icare New Member

    I DID IT!I DID IT,IMC!!!I WENT LOCAL SUPERMARKET,AND GOT ONE,FROM PRAM.IT'S DEAD NOW.WHAT NOW??I JUST GOT THE LITTLE FUCKER AND DID AS YOU squirmed and shit and stuff like you said.but i just kept on shaking-and squeezing-going SHUTTUPSHUTTUPSHUTTUP,~Now will you want to be with me???tell me what next-i have bread knives and plastic bags.can you phone me?
  20. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scrawine:
    Do you always have to turn something positive into a negitive?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    yes I do.. its a flaw I been working on... I used to turn only 50 percent of postives to negitives.. Ive gotten better

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