Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by tylenol44, Jun 21, 2001.

  1. tylenol44

    tylenol44 New Member

    P. Diddy's worthlessness as a poet inspired me to share myself with everyone. So here's a little somethign i wrote when i OD'd on a sweet mix of ethyl, coke, angeldust, and lube:
    you stare into darkness as you wonder aloud/
    will anyone notice if I'm lost in a crowd?
    if i disappear from this earth never to return
    I try to think, speak, move, cry, but all I do is burn
    There's no going back to that place of my demise/
    A fallen angel of God, that will never rise/
    I can't even move without excuses and failure/
    Come forth from the masses and all will hail her/
    Nothing changes life, it only seems that way/
    If your lost- can't find your way- a light will brighten your day/
    Worlds colliding, people dying, hopes crushing and you know/
    Life's not worth living when there's nothing left, nowhere to go/
    Everybody's livin lies and no one seems to care/
    People screaming that their shit's always gotta be fair/
    Greed, hate, envy, lust, this world is fulla sin,
    Take you pick- there's plenty here- impossible to win
    Hopes are lost, I turn to drugs, There's nothing else for me
    Bloodless wounds, loveless eyes, and thoughts only I can see!

    Life's a puzzle, you figure it out/ but stop doin things your own way
    step right up into the mic, if yo got something to say
    Tears fallin from the heavenly skies into my eyes/
    This world's overrated with feeling & surprise/
    Now I'm bored- plain bored- cuz I'm just a thing
    i piece together the puzzle of life- heart open towards the ring\
    Life's hard enough without the challenge of death
    they've twisted our minds to savour our last breathe
    But life's like death in that we'll always be here
    Is she dead, or can we just not see her
    Things are twisted, views ascew, and now beliefs are fucked/
    the world's close minded, this shit is tight, so where we are we're stuck
    in the end nothings real, and everything's alive,
  2. Richard Cranium

    Richard Cranium New Member

    Or maybe this one.....

    Druggies for christ, it's all the rage
    they call out on this site,
    just follow me and you'll be free
    to od in the night.

    This faggot shit gets on my nerves,
    you all deserve to die,
    the light you see at the tunnels end?
    is a trains light in you eyes.

    IMC and little ern,
    The nauseous bitch and pimp,
    cheezedawg, fuck include you all,
    imitate that german blimp.

    That's the Hindenburg. It burned up. Try might like it.
  3. kitana

    kitana New Member

    that was beautiful...
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you overdosed on anal lube?
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It can be done!

    err... um, so I've heard, at least... yeah.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I don't suppose Dick Head will alter his poem and give Pimp and I separate lines, will he?
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hmm.. i dunno.. it's fitting at the moment.. 'cos i've got really sore guts..

    (maybe it's food poisoning!! maybe i've an irritated appendix... hehe.. or much more likely.. i've taken too much ecstacy and was out sunning my ass all day in the back garden)

    whatever it is it's making me feel fucking nauseous.. and it's one of those niggling bitchy aches .. the ones that seem to be dying down.. until you make a slight movement.. and then it all comes flooding back...

    anyway... if/when i feel the need to take it out on someone.. there you are on the same line as me with that pasty rat-girl face that seems to be imploring me to visit upon it my wrath..
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member


    Get over yourself. Shouldn't you be doing some packing?

    [ June 22, 2001: Message edited by: Nauseous ]
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I took some time to make use of my psychotherapy skills to see if i could 'read between the lines' of some of the posts here at fugly...This one was quite an eyeopener...i think you'll agree!!!I have used a well tried and tested method,mapping certain linguistic patterns which caused certain indiscrepancies to be revealed...i corrected these incongruities-and was startled when i saw the new poem which emerged!Here it is.....
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Drug Matthews:
    P. Diddy's worthlessness as a poet inspired me to share myself with everyone. So here's a little somethign i wrote when i OD'd on a sweet mix of ethyl, coke, angeldust, and lube

    You stare into darknessallaroundme's ass, you wonder aloud/
    will anyone notice if I'm lost in his mound?
    if i disappear from this earth or from fugly up his rear end
    I try to think, speak, move, cry, but im a retard-and haven't yet learned!
    There's no going back to that heterosexual place of my demise/
    A fallen angel of God, that will never again for woman rise/
    I can't even move without excuses and failure...cos i'm crap/
    Come forth from the masses and all will hail her-how i wish *I* had flaps!!!/
    Nothing changes life, it only seems that way/
    If your lost- think you're gay- a rainbow light will brighten your day/
    Hunky worlds colliding, hot young studs writhing, balls rubbing and you know/
    Life's not worth living when there's no lube left, no-one to blow/
    Everybody's livin lies especially me/
    People screaming that their shit's the only time they dilate anally/
    Greed, hate, envy, lust, this world is fulla sin,
    Take you pick- there's plenty here- i'm a bunboy whore beneath the skin
    Herpes ridden, I turn to drugs-so no hot studs for me
    Bloodless rumps,shirking guys, and thoughts only I can see!

    Life's a puzzle, you figure it out/ but stop doin things your own way
    step right up gay or dyke, if yo got something to say
    Tears fallin from the heavenly skies into my eyes/
    These women are overrated with feeling & surprise/
    Now I'm bored- plain bored- cuz I'm just a boring thing
    i piece together my brand new butt-plug-and lube my tight young ring
    Life's hard enough without the challenge of sex
    they've twisted our minds to say who we should bed
    But life's like death in that we'll always be queer
    Is she dead, or are we just gay?
    My dick-it's twisted, hard to screw, and now i'm needing fucked/
    these schoolboys are close minded,this shit is tight, so where we are we're stuck
    in the end nothings straight, and everything is gay
    <font size=3>Anything you'd like to get off your chest,'Drug Mathews'???</font>
    Never mind-maybe it's too soon for you to show your full flamboyant colours off to the forum just yet,but in the meantime,i found this for you!Don't thank me yet-the appearance of your torn ruptured anal passageway at the clinic will be all the evidence i need to see you have slipped your shackles to light the flames of your hearts true desires.Free from the misery that drives you to go on and on and onnnn about the really cool drugs that you take,the drugs which are probably cooler than the ones the rest of the forum takes!And next time i'm at work,i'll look out some cream for that other little problem i deciphered in your poem-the 'H' one.

    [ June 25, 2001: Message edited by: Nursey ]
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    There's a lot of love in this room.
  11. kitana

    kitana New Member

    can u feel it?

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