My night at colours (gay club)

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by D, Feb 7, 2002.

  1. D

    D New Member

    Well... Some of you know this already but I need to get this shit out completly cos Im still haveing visions...

    I went to a gay club last night with a friend who had just come out (she was married for 14 years and has three kids... Oh... I think I posted shit in here about her GF sorta stalking me... the prison guard yeah thats her...)

    Well we went to Basildon which is the fucking capital of homophobes are us... I was shitting my knickers as I didnt want ANY straight person to see me...

    But they did and it wasnt too bad.

    Got in a nd it was Karaoke... woo hoo... gay karaoke

    Dykes every where... Poofs every where. But then there were some normal looking girls like me... so that was cool.

    Someone said I wouldn't pull as I looked too "straight"...

    But how wrong where they... Oh yes... I had two nice normal girls come up to me... they just looked they were going clubbing (no dungerees in sight....) and they gave me their numbers...

    but they left early and whilst my friend had pulled and left me on my own a bloke came up to me... he was from Norway and so sweet... I couldn't understand why he was talking to me though as he knew it was a gay bar.

    He kept going on about how pretty I was and that I had such a beautiful face he couldn't believe it. I should have been scared by now but he bought me five vodka and lemonades so I was too pissed (i already had 4 before that)
    He said I looked lonely and so we sat and watched all the young men signing shit like Ronan Keating and such crap... He was definitly gay...

    Well... after getting over the shock of sitting there watching two men tounging each other and watching some VERY camp men dancing... I had to go...

    Just as i was getting my coat on the fella came up to me and told me he was bisexual and that if he was younger he would love to have taken me out...

    Younger I hear you say... yes younger...

    The fucker was about 60 years old... dirty fucking pervert... but he was nice and I got loadsa drinks outta it... so Im not complaining...

    Im going back tomorrow night... if any one wants to come... Im gonna pull one of the birds that gave me their number...

    (im BI NOT lesbian)
  2. D

    D New Member

    ok that came out wrong...

    I knew he was about 60 all along... I was just leaving it or a surprise
  3. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    Yeah yeah yeah,just go down on some girl and post pics...
  4. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    Is this like your night at the battle of the bandz?
  5. D

    D New Member

    Did I post about battle of the bands?

    Fuck... no Its different to battle of the bands as that was straight and Colours was gay (in all sense of the word) and BOTB was saturday and gay time was Wednesday...

    And I went with different people... and erm...
    No it was not like my night at battle of the bands

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