I just thought I would share my day with everyone. It was neither good nor bad, just day. It started at 12:01 AM I guess. I staked out my new building to see if I could catch a copper thief or two. I parked across the street and it was reallly difficult for anyone to see me. I finally gave up after watching a dozen drunk kids pissing in my parking lot, but not bothering anything. I went to the Waffle House at 3:30AM, and got three eggs and toast. Talked to two very drunk girls who obviously had struck out at the bar. One of them kept adjusting her shirt until her breasts were literally falling out. It was so sad, that I just had to go. (Leave, not home with them.) I went to bed at 4:30Am and got up at 7:30AM. No, I am not manic. I was exhausted and it took me three hours and a Ritalin tab to wake up. I then when and picked up a rented tractor. The trailer was too low, so I had to reverse my trailer ball which was a major hassle. Got to the building at 9:00AM. Cut up and moved 3 HUGE pine trees before 12:00PM. Stepped on a black snake and nearly killed myself trying to get away from it. Cut myself on barbed wire. Nice symetrical pattern Put up a new sign with post hole diggers. Entertained my dog by helping her catch Lizards. Gave a nice old lady a new fiberglass tub that somebody left at the building. Went to the 7-11 to buy some ice and beer. Ice machine is locked, and nobody has a key. I get out my trusty drill and drill out the locks. The clerk tells me that I am a hero, and gives me a bag of ice. Drink two beers and get back on the tractor. Nearly have a heat stroke. Get sick and have to take 2 BC powders. Throw up the beer, powders and lunch. Then took down 300 ft of chain link fence, and box bladed the parking lot before 5:00PM. Blew a tire on the tractor, fixed it. Somebody put dead fish in my dumpster - called the cops and raised hell. Two clients were in crisis, and both somehow found me. Did two parking lot interventions. Tractor won't start. Around 6:00PM I went to Home Depot, and bought chain and locks to secure the tractor and trailer. Ate at Wendy's. I then went home, and got Bugs. We rode around for a while looking for the addresses of a few suspects in my latest theft of copper case. Ate some Chick-Fil-A ice cream. Back home by 10:00PM Eat some cold pizza. Check in with Fugly. Look back through some posts Dan made just for laughs. Probably going back out to stake out the building again. I sleep in the car, so it's all good. I made none of this up, and left a lot out. There probably really is something wrong with me, but I like it. Boring never enters my world.
So what kind of copper are they stealing? Is it fenced in? Ever consider a pit bull and a security camera?
I am renovating a 20 year old building that I bought, with plans to put my offices there. It was formerly a Boat Dealership. I took down the fence, and will replace it with a privacy fence shortly. There was a large amount of scrap on the propety, so the bro's in the hood took the opportunity to pilfer. They stole a huge aluminum framed sign, and an outboard test tank. I really didn't care, other than the fact they didn't bother to ask. I put out a large spool of copper wire as bait. I put a night vision camera on it and waited. They came back at 1:30PM, broad daylaight, and stole the thing. I had it chained, and they cut the chain with bolt cutters. Took them 11 minutes to chew through the chain. I will post a copy of the video soon. It's Hollywood quality. The perpetrator sees the camera right at the end, and walks right up to it and steals it. I guess he didn't know it was hooked to a remote hard drive recorder. The police were able to idetify him, and have a warrant. I will put a full system in eventually. I would just like to catch one in the act first. Just one.
I made a run down to atlanta on some club business and had to pop the old lady in the mouth for her smart mouth. Different day same old shit.
Gee, it just entered mine. I got up early and attended Sunday School alone while my wife and kids got ready for my youngest daughter's birthday party. Took the family to lunch, went to Wal-Mart, went to Dollar Tree (luv that sto'), went to the party at a park with a train ride for the kids, then to the indoor pool/hot tub, then to the party room for cake and presents. One of the young moms there called me "sir." That depressed me all day. Got home, washed my car, grilled burgers, showered, and went to bed. When it was clear I was not having sex, I went to my office for some X360 and ended up reading about Barry's day. But, to be honest, it's not always this glamourous being me.
Slept in late. Got up took a shower while Terri went and bought groceries she got home around 10:00 I put the stuff away cause that the deal we made. (She does not like the stuff I buy when I do the shopping which is basically meat, eggs, milk (soy cause I love that stuff), bread, and some more meat of some kind. Oh and chilli beans. I have concluded that it is her goal to make sure I do not have what it takes in the house to make chilli. Anyway I stared at my center island trying to picture in my head the best way to mount the slide out shelves I built for it. Till Terri decided we needed a new vacume cleaner. Got in the car and went to Cosco, Walmart, Target, Bed bath and beyond, Home Depot, then Lowes. bought junk but no vacume. Got home took the dogs for a walk (about 5pm by now) went back out to North Richland Hills ate burders at Snuffers. Went to Books a Million and had coffee and cookies and walked around seperate. Ran into each other at the CDs and talked each other into buying 6 cds. Got inthe car listened to cds all the way hone taking the long way. I may have missed something. Hel I dunno.
more evidence. dragging out the same tired responses over and over again. It's like watching 10 hours of carrot top followed by a Gallagher marathon.
Glad to see you feeling better now get back to sexually harassing my Aunt via Myspace!! Just kidding about the Aunt part.
I called you like three times while you were in the hospital and all I got was some recorded message about dripping hot glass on my genitals. What's up with that?