My life is Starwars

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by D, Dec 6, 2001.

  1. D

    D New Member

    I think most of ya know I dropped out of uni... and most know the reason... anyway...

    I spoke to this fella who was my best friend there today and FUCKIN hell...

    There was this gay bloke I lived with and, man he was fuckin gay...(he denied he was)

    No word of a lie, watch Starwars and concentrate on C3PO. He has exactly the same mannerisms;- walks the same way, that gay robotic way. Speaks the same way...he is just C3PO.

    This onetime he came into the living room wearing French Connection Jeans, French Connection shitty trainers a PINK tank top. AND Rose Tinted round spec' sunglasses. He had just been shopping and was carrying French Connection shopping bags and had this gay hand bag thing on his shoulder...

    Anyway he had this gay friend who we didn't know was gay and was quite straight acting. He was quite cool and I got on ok with him. We didn't get to see much of him coz they spent a lot of time in C3PO room and we were to stoned to realise what was going on. There was always speculation because whenever MR. Gay visited they would just spend all there time in his room or in the kitchen cooking. Then one day we were talking to one of our flatmates who had the room next to C3PO's. Four an hour we were retching as she told us the noises she heard during the night when he visited and from that moment on I have not been able to watch Starwars the same way as I used to...

    Anyway, I think the point of this thing is...

    Whilst in Greece over the summer someone had left a magazine in the Youth Hostil I was staying in, Gay Times. I thought I would have a flick through and I did. And what did I see on page 21...? thats right... Our Gay Flat mates visitor... Entered for MR'Gay 2001...

    Fucking coincedence or what?

    Of course when I got home I rang up everyone I had lived with and told them and sent the magazine I had thieved from greece.

    We all had a laugh and made sure we kept up with the competition... he came sixth and can be seen on poor bloke...

    But he died soon after... just recently... dunno how?

    So the moral of this story is... dont be Gay.
  2. D

    D New Member

    the mr gay link sucks... and i cant be arsed to find out what it actually is
  3. D

    D New Member

    I wasn't staying in a Y.H called Gay times either... the magazine was called Gay Times...
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    what the fuck is this... i expect to see starwars and i get some dumb fuck whining about how her friends are gay...
  5. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    C3PO is not gay,he's maculinity challenged.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fucking Busy Pimp:
    what the fuck is this... i expect to see starwars and i get some dumb fuck whining about how her friends are gay...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You need to learn how to 'skim' her posts like I do. It'll save some of your precious time.
  7. D

    D New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fucking Busy Pimp:
    what the fuck is this... i expect to see starwars and i get some dumb fuck whining about how her friends are gay...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yeah sorry about that. I was a bit fucked (just before work as well

    It sorta had something to do with Starwars... I swear you should meet this gay bloke - C3PO all over...

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