My Helloween weekend...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, Nov 4, 2003.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Hope everyone had a memorable Helloween weekend, mine was mentionable...

    Friday night.

    Went to Bennigan's for their drink special (Killian's) - Goddamn waitress cut us off after only 2-3 beers. Of course, on a normal night, my 70's plaid polyester pants, original 70's Converse leather sneakers (pimp white with orange stars), and tie-dye t-shirt would've probably made a difference, but that night I'm at a loss as to why we were cut... Apparently the waitress said something about not being a 'cocktail waitress' and being worried about the TABC (Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission) - at any rate, we left the place, and in the parking lot decided to go to a party close to school - all I knew was that there would be whiskey there. I was game.

    So, we get to the apartment, and as we open the door, I see a bunch of (India) Indians (mostly sitting on the floor 'Indian-style', oddly enough), watching some Indian pop music videos on the glorious 13" color Tee-Vee. Off towards the kitchen sits a couple huge vats of cooked rice and condiments - it's at that point when I notice an old friend of mine, Johnny, decided to show up at that party...

    So, Johnny Walker and I spent a good deal of time catching up. We shared some Coke (-a-cola) at first, then we started reminiscing straight up. Last thing I remember is handing my keys to my friend. Oh, that... and the dancing...

    Now, don't get me wrong - I am not a dancer... At all. But that night - I was burning holes in the carpet. If you've never tried to dance to India Pop music (and sing along, apparently) - I implore you to try it, at least once. My friend (the 'designated most-sober guy') called me the day after to ask me if I remembered what I did - I confirmed that I knew I was a dancin' fool (he was surprised I remembered, and astonished I didn't vomit) - then he said I was actually a pretty good dancer. Go fig. I just wish I'd taken a camcorder, but some things you just can't plan...

    So, that was Friday night. Saturday comes along and I wake up on my bathroom floor, go to work, get off - then go to a pool hall with a different set of friends. When I got there, the bud that called and invited me pulled me aside and informed me that he told his two 'new friends' (a dude and his chick) that I had Tourette's Syndrome...

    I swear, I love acting sometimes.

    The whole night I was shouting and twitching - it was hillarious watching the couple try to stifle their instinctive laughter, while maintaining a 'professional' manner... I especially loved it when I shrieked aloud one time and the dude mimiced it - I gave him one of those "c'mon... you didn't have to do that, I can't help it" looks, and the dude starts apologizing left and right... I told him, "it's okay - I'm used to it... get it all the time..." The hardest part was to keep a straight face during it while your buddies are laughing their asses off (away from these two new people, of course)...

    But well fucking worth it.
  2. cardBOARD box homie

    cardBOARD box homie New Member

    my weekend consisted of watching some drunk guy set a tire (and almost himself)on fire and setting it loose down a rather steep hill into the side of an insurance building and running away in fear that the police would come then later returning to said hill to roll a 300 pound pumpkin down it
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    A 300 lb pumpkin? Did she have a name?
  4. cardBOARD box homie

    cardBOARD box homie New Member

    by the time we got to the punpkin the alcohol had taken effect. all i remember is how much of a bitch it was to get in the truck and funny it was to see it go down the hill
  5. cardBOARD box homie

    cardBOARD box homie New Member


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