and my dog is smarter and better looking than your dog too..... Dogs and grass. It's all I got to brag about.
you can still eat you dog after having dropped him on the grass so long as you observe the 10 second rule. What ? This is not a caption thread? Ok nice fescue I must admit. One nice thing about my new place the front is small. And there is absolutely no grass in the back just a pool and a lot of patio, deck and landscaping. This means I can really concentrate on my front grass. Problem is its St. Augustine and I have never dealt with a St Augustine yard. I'm tempted to kill it off and re-sod with Emerald Zoyzia.
Actually it is centipede. Here is a before, and after. The middle picture is right after hurricane Katrina. St Augustine is the best grass around. It grows in sun and shade. It will look awesome if you do a few things differently - 1. It is a favorite of chinch bugs, mole crickets, and fungus. Spray it with a good fungucide as well as an insectacide often. 2. St Augustine needs to be fertilized every two months, but not too much at each time. It needs a lot of water as well. 3. Most important - cut it longer than normal grass - leave it 3" tall or more. Very important. It can look this good -
This is a nice contrast to the Feuding Neighbors thread. Maybe we should think of ways to make your neighbors life nicer. For example, in the case of my neighbors, I could move.
of course he can count backwards from 100... whilst growling rule britannia and shitting in the neighbours yards on both sides simultaneously
Thanks Barry. I feel much better about myself now. My nephew is pretty cool. He doesn't bark or scratch up the furniture, but he does have to be changed everyonce in awhile. It's like having a goldfish with personality.