My First Lunchbox

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Cheezedawg, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I was out shopping for my little girl's lunch when she told me she didn't have a lunchbox. This got me thinking back to my first lunchbox. It was a plastic, yellow Bee Gees lunchbox with a thermos. I don't remember what happened to it. So I came home and did a search on the web. Low and Behold!!! BAM!! My old lunchbox!

    Of course its not MY old lunchbox... but the same line. Now if I can only come up with some cash, I can buy this worthless piece of memorablia from my childhood.

    Anyone else remember their first lunchbox?
  2. GAS

    GAS New Member

    It was either Transformers or He-Man, can't recall which one though.
  3. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Mine was Transformers too.
  4. BigEddie

    BigEddie New Member

    lol, mine was a bright orange He-man plastic lunchbox.
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    A pink Barbie one. Blech! I should kill my mother.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Lunchbox age was when I lived in Ohio in the 70's and Bealsville was one poor ass town it was brown paper bag lunch for me. Though I did get a Mr. Rogers friends club satchel with a picture of the little red train on the side in like first grade. There was no way in hell I was going to take it to school.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Carebears. The bears faded off of my themos.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Brown Bag.

    I had the best lunches ever. My grandma made them every morning. Lots of german stuff that I couldnt pronounce, but damn it was good.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    Yeah we ate school lunch... my mom was lazy. But I do remember getting a lunchbox from someone for was JEM ... the Barbie rock band. I cant say much about my mom being lazy, my kid has never taken lunch to school either.

    when I got older I collected old metal lunchboxes... I had Happy Days, Starwars (my son owns that now-keeps money in it) Mr.T -A Team, Disco Fever... and few others I cant remember.
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I had a few "Thermos" metal lunchboxes, before they transitioned into the plastic shit with the stickers. In fact, I think there might have been one that had the plastic 'latch' replacing the traditional metal latch (before the entire damn design was remade in plastic.)

    Maybe it was just me, or one of those 'coming of age' type of 'cool things' that went along with the Genera "Hypercolor" T-shirts, Duran Duran-through-Faith No More episodic popularity, and eventually, Nirvana tapes - but carrying a 'lunchbox' fell out of favor with the "cool people" in my back-asswards school, and "brownbagging it" was the norm for a while.

    Then came the legal authority to command control of an internal-combustion mechanism with two or four wheels, and lunches were typically slated to the few establishments that allowed people to smoke while they ate (funny, as we were all underage at the time, too.)

    Buuuuut... back to the basics, I have probably consumed enough peanut butter and jelly sandwiches within my brief tenure of public schooling to feed a female porn star or model at least 20 years.
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I can't do pb&j from eating so many as a kid. I didn't get lunch meat because my mom was afraid it would spoil then I got one of those insulated lunchboxes with the ice freezey thing and I was allowed to have cheese and stuff. I didn't eat hot lunch all through junior high and high school. Not one day, but yeah, as I got older, I brownbagged it.

    Having OCD as a kid was fun because I wouldn't throw my trash away at school or any public place, so when we went on field trips, I smashed my trash and carried it around with me in the waistband of my pants all day. I know I've told that before, but it was on subject... sorta.
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    ...Hey. At least you had the common courtesy of 'field-stripping' your cigarette butts.
  13. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    But you don't eat meat. Why would you even want lunch meat on your sandwiches? I on the other hand, am a straight up carnivore. At least, I was until this stupid fucking diabeties came along. Now its only 6oz of meat a day for me. It blows serious donkey. It blows donkey on so many levels, Ms. Pac-Man couldn't complete them all. But speaking of Ms. Pac-Man, I guess I eat all those wonderful fruits that prance about in her maze. BUT NO WAY! That fat bitch! With her chomping mouth and her seductive bow always winking her eye at me while she greedily devoured all those power pellets and ghosts! FUCK YOU TEASE! I remember playing a game called Kangaroo when I was younger and it always made me ...

    *****This dialogue has been cut short due to Cheezedawg's obvious mental breakdown. What the fuck does "Ms Pac-Man" and "Kangaroo" have to do with lunchboxes or food at all for that matter? If anyone is interested in reading his full 40 page dissertation chocked full of useless information; please send US$20.00 to:

    "Diarrhea of the Mouth"
    401 Buena Vista Ave
    Salisbury, MD 21804

    Thank you for your support. We now return you to this post.*****

    ...and thats all I got to say about Q-bert! Fuck him too!
  14. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I didn't become a vegetarian until I was 15. By then I was in high school and left campus to go eat, but I usually spent my lunch money on cigarettes. Yuck. I can't believe I ever smoked because I hate it so much now.

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