my dream

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Feb 10, 2010.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    Im pumping gas.. and my car not only needs gas to run, but Crystal Lite powder (the drink) anyway I needed more powder and kept saying " I prefers the ___ flavor" cant remember thew flavor now. anyway Dennis Quaid was there... but not just regular.. it was him from Great Balls of Fire- Jerry Lee Lewis movie... anyway - he fucks my gas tank hole. And he was mean to me... but really turned on by my gas tank hole thingy... he said he was doing me a favor and something like " she will like my sperm , its better than that powder shit" (remember he is talkin like he did in that movie)

    so I have thought about this dream all day... and come to realize... I guess I need to drink Crystal Lite and get laid... I also think it is sign that I should trade in my car.

    a few days ago my cars mileage was the same as that days date- I took that as a sign that I was gonna die in that car that day so I did not drive it... That was 129009 - yeah my cars has gotten up there on the miles.
  2. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    i never thought thered be anyone on this forum as fucked up as me,i was wrong.
  3. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    oh and that dizzy bitch klitana that topped her self,she was quite out there.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I watched a Nova special on dreams last night. They say you dream in and out of REM state. And dreams are usually ways your brain is trying to figure things out. Bad dreams are supposed to be good because you prepare yourself for bad situations.

    I was offended by the show because they were showing vivisection on cats, dogs and rats.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    well the other night I dreamed about the end of the world... earthquakes and stuff... Last night I dreamed I had a job making mix music tapes for stores and offices...(I am low tech even in dreams) I put "Walkin on Sunshine" on every tape.. and that reminded me of that intervention show... anyway I put the Cramps song "Lets get fucked up" on a tape for Kroger.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Now thats a crazy freakin dream. I only have crazy dreams on drugs for the most part. ... or herbs ;)

    BIGMAMA New Member

    well last night I dreamed my sister and I had stolen a water bottle from an Asian hooker ... it was a metal bottle I kinda wanted from Target a few months ago but was like - I aint payin 12$ for a fancy bottle. Anyway Hooker comes back and wants her bottle and my sister and I ( both big gurls) beat the shit out of this poor hooker. I woke up feeling bad for her.

    This was a cough syrup induced dream. I think this dream means- I need to drink more water - all the other dreams were drug free.
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I had a dream that I left one of dogs at my aunt and her creepy husband's house and had to go back to get him but I couldn't drive my car, so I had to take my parents' Yamaha Rhino to their house. On the way, I stopped to get a cappuccino (I don't even drink cappuccino) and it was taking a really long time and I was bugging the bitch that was making it and she told me that they were hard to make and offered me a water. I was like I paid you for a cappuccino. That's not a fair trade. Do you have any cookies? I'll take the water and come cookies and she's like, "Yeah." And brings out this chocolate chip cookie that's as big as large pizza and it's wrapped in saran wrap, but not all of the way so I was paranoid about eating it but put it in the back of the Rhino went to get my dog. I was in a big hurry because I locked my other dogs in the attic and they didn't have any water and I was freaking out that they were going to die. :confused:
  9. erwin.zeez

    erwin.zeez New Member

    h aha ha ha ha ha ah ha
  10. GAS

    GAS New Member

    I would post one of my recent fucked up dreams but I don't have the time. But it made me question my sanity for a few days afterwards.
  11. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Those the cookies with the cream-filling?

    I had a dream that I met Pukey as she was in my town doing some kind of church work or "Habitat for Humanity" stuff. She just introduced herself and left. No sex or anything. It was so lame.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    last night I dreamed I had sex (bad sex) with Brandon Frasier.... and he was mean to me... and I yelled - " next time the Mummy comes on TV - Im gonna change it" yeah that will teach him.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ok here goes while I remember

    IO have dreams like this all the time and then do not really remember them later

    I'm in a plane a really small one more like and ultralight. But I'm not the one flying. I am above this really nice, ritzy, fancy, rich community that has its own airstrip, golf course, and security fence all around. A co-worker of mine is driving. As he is leaving this area I see some towers with wires ahead and caution him to gain altitude but instead he is dropping altitude. So I calmly advise him "OK plan B drop below the lines but above that security fence". He does not seem to listen. and some how goes into a hovering mode.

    Next thing I am above the community on a mountain over looking it. My my now different friend and me are escaping some one being maybe chased I dunno. But he is leading and doing insane crazy hair brained shit. I'm like good time Charlie going along and cussing him for taking to much risk all throughout he is leaping across one ledge to another and such.

    Then at the top we have some sort of weird two level hang glider and are each suiting up to fly out of where we are at off the mountain. And out of no-where there is a third person who wants to go with. So we have this military poncho and take this thin string and tie a ... pouch sort of for him to hang below as a third person. He is all enthusiastic and at the last minute I'm telling him how much of a hair brained idea this is. Just as we are jumping off a steep incline and getting air I ask him "Well what if the poncho tears?" and suddenly he realized he was in danger and started to panic. I console him and am telling him to hang onto this or that and don't freak out now.

    Next we (about four of us) are all outside the really nice area and each in our own cars. We are hauling ass through our old town and this is like a reunion years later sort of thing. Its weird but we although are in separate cars are talking to each other. This really is not a real town but in my dream I know it like I grew up in it. As we are leaving down town the road North of town turns to dirt which in my dream was totally appropriate. Then we were in a field and I remember jumping a ditch beside a road and getting back on black top but doing it like you would on a dirt bike. You know I sort of jerked up on the steering wheel to make the car land right.

    Now two of my buddies were ahead of me and I'm thinking "I wonder if the police still park up ahead by the water tower" Then my thoughts switch to "Hey where is the water tower" Then I see what looks like a junkyard of cars along with a crinkled up water tower both on and beside the street. All together maybe six cars all totaled including a police car. No person seems critically hurt. But the worse of all was this patrol officer that is cut and bruised and bleeding from head to toe. He is obviously in shock making jerky, dizzy movements like a drunk Michael J Fox. The officer is meandering around trying to tend to people who were for the most part fine. I advise him. "Look fella you are doing an admirable job here but please listen to me, 'It is time for you to sit down now and relax we will get this straightened out. Have you called this accident in yet?" Just then his other patrol buddy who looked fine except for a busted knee comes of smoking a cigarette and says to the first patrol officer; "Remember what we talked about not to do" as if cautioning him not to call this in......

    Then I woke up.

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