Is this new "rig" to compensate for your small penis, Grim? You know what they say about males and their big toys...
Well the simple fact is I could just shut all of you up and post a pic of my cock. I think I have one from one of the porno's I use to shoot on my harddrive at home. See you guys always seem to forget I have no shame and I'm not embarrassed by much of anything.
Isn't 32 inches a bit excessive for surfing the internet? When I plug my laptop in the 42 inch in the living room it is all stretchy.
Is that logo on the monitor Westinghouse? I didn't know they made monitors. It looks really nice. Please don't show us your penis.
Did you use S vid out or VGA? If you have a VGA in then it works just like a normal monitor. Also make sure you have the stretch feature in the TV's setting turned off.
If it's widescreen, you need to change the resolution, honey. Try again and take it to about 1366 x 768 or similar.