Ok so I thought i would post some images of my attempt at photography,this image is of a small church in a town nearby,Le Reposoir. Its hard to say too.This town is awsome,Its small and unspoiled and thanks again to phatboy for helping my out with the images
If you really want to get her motor revving you should take some pictures of abandoned structures (or if there are some WWII ruins around) that would make her happy too.
True. I do love my modern ruins. I like to see the potential in things and the loss. It's bittersweet, plus I think it looks cool.
Ok can do,I just recently stopped at a 12th century abbey on my way to another town,I didnt get to take good pics of it,but I did get a couple snaps,Ill be going back though,its not to far from me Ill go find em and resize em
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing. If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error. I dont know what the deal is it happend when i tried to upload some photos
I bet if you took it from a lower perspective angled up it would give more of a sense of greater size in the room. Like from a childs perspective in the isle between the rows. Not being critical trying to be constructive. Kind of like the landscape rule where it is more interesting to have the horizon in the upper third or lower third of the picture. This is obviously not a landscape. But I would try the same picture center and near floor level and also at the far right or left side of the pews just to see how it turns out. I may be wrong. Use the Tic Tac Toe rule to decide where to position the object of focus. http://www.basic-digital-photography.com/photo-composition-tips.html
Here are some of my cacti. I just watered them tonight now I can compare with a photo two days from now. One looks like it needed water real bad. I'm not sure though.
Yeah man thats solid advice for sure,and one of the reasons Im posting my pics on this forum for is for folks to tell me what they honestly think,so I appreciate your comments man And I think this is what you are refering to The cathedral at Reims,this is the coronation church for all the French kings,Jeanne d'Arc was also at this church and I captured what I think is the best image of her likeness that I have ever seen,and Ill post that one soon I hope,and again thanks for the comment man By the way,this cathedral is super freakin old
And here is a snap of that Abbey i was trying to upload yesterday for Nauseous Its not a very good pic,but Ill be going back to visit again and Ill take the time to get some good captures,as a side note,the resizing feature here is raping my pics lol, Ive got some good software for that but I cant find it
Isn't that last one technically a succulent? (not referring to the grafted one in the same pot, of course.) At least you spelled the plural of cactus correctly...
Correctomundo. Do you think it looks kinds sickly? You know curled up to much? I'm watching it close andnot wanting to over react and water board my .... succulent.
Exactly that's a perfect example of what I was getting at. Maybe I'll get some good pics to post this year not getting out much though.
I always take pics of cool stuff... and they turn out good, but then I delete them thinking... Why in the hell did a take a pic of THAT. then I end up with nothing but pics of my childrens. new camera seems to be working ok... I need to figure out the settings here is my contribution to the photography thread... a typical 'mom' pic. boring
kid playground with the rubber padding stuff? We just had one put in down the street in my neighborhood.
hey Joe if you like succulents I have this one ODD plant that NO ONE can figure out what it is... I have even bought and checked out library book... done a million internet searches.. taken it to many places.. no one knows WTF it is. anyway I got a little pot of it at an 80 year old man's yard sale... I got a few different plants, and I never asked what it was. It will fill and spread if you let it. but not really weed like. A cat knocked it over off my porch and it fell in a flower bed below.. I never noticed till it spread. Everyone loves it and all my friends have some... we named it "Curly Ques" It is a beautiful green, turns maroon in the winter.. gets tiny little yellow flowers spring to frost. anyway 2 years latter I was near the old man's house and stopped to ask what is the crazy curly plant was , cause he had a bunch of it... his grandson said he had past. But he told me his palpal was big into exotic plants. took me to the back yard and showed me his green houses I never saw before. - he said he thinks palpal created new cross breed plants.. and his dad would mail some samples all over the US... kinda weird. I will take a pic of it - my sister has grown huge pots of it... it is really pretty and droops down. And we give them as gifts... you just take a little chunk of it, and throw in on dirt... and it creates a beautiful plant. If you want some I can send ya some. Maybe some in your neck of the woods will know what the hell it is.
I wonder if it is a type of Sedum like Angelina. http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-USfficial&um=1&q=sedum&sa=N&start=36&ndsp=18
I will shoot video of it tomorrow. and take pics. I am so funny with sharing plants, I love to do it. But then if I go to someone's house... and it is not taken care of properly- I get pissy. Another plant I love sharing is the wondering jew... http://images.google.com/images?sou...wondering jew&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi you can make a million plants off of one. I only like succulents and plants that make other plants... and perennials. (comes back every year) fuck annuals - waste of money.