Does anyone else getting attacked by them? They bite me and I get big half dollar-size welts from them. I was outside for 5 minutes today and ended up with about 6 bites. My neighbor was mowing the lawn and he's a dick. They were probably biting him and then came over and bit me and now I have AIDS.
I thought you already had AIDS? Yea, they are pretty bad here right now, but if you put on bug spray it shouldnt be an issue. for about 1/2 an hour. Of course with the weather cooling off it is pretty nice here in the evenings and it sucks if you go outside and get attacked by by the Squitos'.
I'll get it double and die faster. I fucking hate them. I think I put off too much carbon dioxide or something.
Actually, you should probably already own one of these... It'll help you with more than just bug bites.
That will cut down on STD. Of course with your gas/IBS issues you may create a yellow fog bubble that might explode with the smallest spark.
That thing reminds me of Tom Green's smoker contraption that he went around town in going places he wasn't allowed to smoke and getting kicked out. I can't remember what he called it.