more future of the planet/society and other crap

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Disorder, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  3. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If he got in and I have to wonder then we have not seen the last in him. He will be back to tell of the “undeniable” crimes by the American government he witnessed himself.

    As for population control. I bought into the idea that there is a problem for a short while then I figured out that’s bullshit there is way to much open land to have any real worries. The world could easily sustain a population 100 times the current number. There would need however to be a redistribution. Look at the countries being considered with the most suspicion. Then you see how really ridicules the theory is. The biggest population problem is with immigrants coming in to more advanced societies and out growing the current population as if you threw fertilizer on them.

    The technology is out there to simply sterilize mass chunks of population. I do not know why the Israeli government does not use it on the Palestinian people. It's simply the most humane way to wage war. And weather they like it or not war is being waged. So simply start arresting any Palestinian that commits any level at all of crime and sterilize them. it would only take a few generations to weed out any violent genetic traits as well as non-conformist. Also it would free up billions of dollars the Israeli government spends feeding an caring for the ingrates. Forty years from now the Peaceful and cooperative Palestinians would survive to breed more of the same. They would eventually be the most peaceful friendly people on the planet.

    I fail to see how any of those out there with a compassionate heart could complain about the sterilization idea. I should get the Nobel Peace prize for coming up with it. A totally peaceful war waged successfully without a single solitary death.
  5. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    And we shall call it: Eunuchasia.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    "The crime of the Third Reich was to treat people like animals. By treating fellow human beings like beasts, they had themselves become beasts."

  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i bet that fantasising about wearing the black uniform and shiny black knee high boots is joes dirty little secret shame
  8. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I keep lookin for you to say some shit that isn't endorsed by the queen bee just to show you aren't a wet dishrag and you at least wear the pants part of the time. I'm guessing the toilet seat is always down at your place. You need to step up and be the man. Being the pussy weasel is not a way to go through life.
  9. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Women should stop trying to be the man then. :p
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well i thought it was funny, Pimpthy! Meeshie's just a bit jealous.

    Are you referring to me? What manly attributes are you referring to? Do you mean you want me to be less colourful, courageous, charismatic, smart, honest and entertaining? Do you feel a little wimpish and effeminate, paling in comparison next to my vibrant, robust personality? Well, sorry, 'whitey'. No can do-ie.
  11. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    That was a generic comment about Michelle's post, I should quote to be clearer next time.

    Ponder if you will, that as womens rights have been adjusted over the years to be more politically correct and fair, it has created an unbalanced social structure. Now that women want to do more and more things that have been the primary function of men throughout history, jobs etc, it means women are now our competition in that respect and because being the hunter/gatherer/breadwinner is engrained in us genetically, it has actually served to reduce our manliness and sometimes I think we feel threatened.

    The other visible side effects are that we get a lot more arguments now, because gone are the days where a woman would just accept something as 'so because the man said so, even if the man was wrong (and good men apologised too) still you cant argue there was a lot less personal conflct. With that, I'm quite sure homosexuality derrived (or at least flourished) from this change as well.

    Point: Women are doing what men do more and more, so technically, you are becoming the man., but..

    In the broader scope of 'things', as transexuality & homosexuality become more the norm, as cloning advances and becomes mainstream and when population control and euthanasia comes into effect along with the controling elite (queen), what we will become, in the next evolutionary stage, is possibly hermaphodite (or even totally genderless) drones.

    That said not trying to be either sexist, or homophobic, its just brainfood.
  12. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Hermaphrodites can go fuck themselves.

    That being said, my theory on male homosexuality is based on the horniness curve. A man's horniness is a constant line; it's always on. A woman's is like a sine wave. While there are occasional intersections of interest, a man has a greater chance of hooking up with another man who is on the same wave. Heterosexuality is based on the desire to access what one does not already have. When I get the urge to play with a penis, I am luckily equipped with one with which to satiate my immediate want. However, my wife's meat curtains are appealing to me as I do not have like genetalia. Of course, though having seen her split open whilst churning out my spawn has forever scarred me, I still like the playground.

    If we evolve into a seahorse-like physicality where men bear the offspring, we may die out. Though considered the fairer sex, many women have squeezed watermelon sized bodies through tangerine-sized orifi while many men whine when they get a splinter in their finger. Women have the ability to create life. Men open jars and grow hair. There is an imbalance that creates obligate mutualism so I think we'll continue to exist in our respective gender states.

    My wife "completes me."

    I should not drink coffee after 4:30 pm.
  13. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Shiiitt! You sound like a bending down to pick up the soap hazzard.
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you referring to the fact that i inferred that joe has SS fantasies just after nursey posted about the third reich?...
    i would have posted that regardless of nurseys post.. simply because joes eugenics fantasies are decidedly fascist.. and i enjoy pointing out stuff like that...

    and you have no room to talk.. the only way you've managed to post in this forum and not be deleted or banned is by being a woman.. no doubt you'll make history by being the first person to sue themselves for sexual malpractice
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Pussy Weasel.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH .........hahahahha......snicker.......guffaw...HAHAHAHAAAA. ;D
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Have you been going to ? ;)

    It's a pretty good site actually, though he sometimes goes a little bit far i think.

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