Holy shit!!! Any infections following that stunt? Ever hear of flesh eating bacteria? What antibiotics did that put you on? I guess the layer of fat may have helped a little bit.
Its accually a long drawn out soap opera, the guy who did the piercing (Ben White) was my roomate / best friend for 4 years. Well We found out 3 days after the event, Ben was stealing from the shop. He has the contracts, paperwork, recipts of entry, videos, and even the sterele packs the needles came in (we were going to turn in all 1000 sterlization bags also for evidence) And I had to move my shit quick, and stay in my shop until I got the locks changed so he didnt break in at 3 AM and take what ever he wanted (Cash register, ect) So it was never technacally "finished" and submitted...
Funny story too... 15 minutes before hand, I took a VERY hot shower (scalding) with Green Surgical soap, and Satin Anti-micrombial soap, no shampoo or conditioner, so my hair was extra frizzy retarded looking that day. I also scored some "tiger" anti-biotics (yes I have friends who are like Sigfried and roy, they raise, and tame tigers and are flaming fruits) so I was taking those. After wards, I only had 16 ares get infected. But then The enfection hit my blood stream, and I had Edemis (swelling of the legs) taking on water, my ankles were like the size of cantoloupes, until my skind would "burst" and clear fluid would leak from the wounds. it was really nasty. The E.R. put me on "Lasix" durietic, and Iwould take a 7 beer piss, every 20 minutes for three days. The worse part was the Lethargacy, following 3 days, I was SOOO tired, and didnt want to move. All monday from 6 AM on, like 13 radio stations called my house for "on air crazy morning show interviews" ... it was nuts... Would I do it again? Lets just say, there are 1500 20 gauge needles on the way soon...
Man we only asked for $3 and tips, We had to fork out close to $1000 for this, and it was like a family of mExicans (all 70 of thhem) at the front window, face pressed to the glass to see in without couginh up the $3...
You can get a doctor to prescribe antibiotics BEFORE you get the piercings. All you got to do is tell them you what you plan on doing. Infections from the skin are almost always Staphlycoocus or Streptococcus. If you get the wrong strain all your skin and muscle will die and it will quickly spread througout your body and kill you or just leave you disfigured. Antibiotics only work on the type of bacteria they were designed to fight. If you take the wrong one its useless. Sounds like you were septic. Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death especially in hospitals where there are anitibiotic resistant bacteria. Not only will it cause a drop in blood pressure (makes you tired) but also organ dysfunction. The bacteria cause the blood vessels to leak and that can cause swelling. Also if the cardiac output falls then the blood gets backed up and causes further swelling. The mortality rate for septic shock is 40%. For every organ system that fails the death rate rises 15-20%. Starts with the lungs and vascular system causing the drop in blood pressure (hypotension). Mortality increases by 10 to 15 times if antibiotic treatment is delayed as soon as people look sick they give them broad spectrum antibiotics. You need a broad spectrum antibiotic that covers alot of bacteria. Blood pressure if sepsis occurs should be supported with fluids and drugs such as dopamine and norepinephrine, oxygen may have to be given.
Damn d00der, are you a doctor? Shit, can you kick me down a script for anti-biotics? hell, a script for Liquid Dilaudid?
fuck, let me know when you are done, I have two HErniated disks in my back i cant afford to have surgery on, if you need a guenia pig.. Oh and the scripts for Opiods will be greatly appriciated
I think everyone who's close enough should come down to NC and cheer you on. I'd drive down there again.
Yeah this time come earlier, so we can go have a beer or something... sheesh, you were there, then you had vanished
Hye thats an Idea, Ill throw an After party, with a keg or something, and put up any of the fuglites that show.