Uh... I am going to teach myself how to use a power miter saw today and I don't want to lose any digits. Are they dangerous for inexperienced people? I gotta cut some base molding... do some 45 degree angles to make the corners meet. Doing wood for the floor, but the molding at the ceiling is plastic. Will the plastic be a bitch to cut? Now those corner pieces in molding that you see, is that to hide fuck ups or is a decoration or both? And what's the difference between mitering and coping? You do miter and then cope?
http://www.rd.com/how-to-cope-tight-joints/article17891.html http://www.kelleher.com/documents/Coping.pdf Coping is when you smoothe the ends so they fit properly on complex molding. Makes moldling look great when done right.
That's what this guy at work told me to do. He's a carpenter. Said if you do it right, you don't even need to nail it. It will lock in place.
I need a video. I can't just do something from reading. I am a visual learner. I am going to fuck this up. I can just see it now. There will be chunks of plastic and wood all over my yard and a miter saw in little pieces all over the driveway.
I saw a link to a video, there are probably tons of them on YouTube. http://www.askthebuilder.com/Coping_Saw_Video.shtml Plus the guy talks about a 'tight joint' so you know he's cool. Its actually a lot easier to do it the way he says. I might have to try that myself.
I'm not going to be using a coping saw. I'm going to miter and if the joint looks bad (mine always did in the past, unless I had a roller.... whoops, wrong joint), I'm just gonna use some filler and paint it and if someone points it out, they will get punched in the face. It's going to be white, so it's not like wood grain where it needs to be more precise and pretty.
Ive used white caulk to accomplish the same thing on poorly cut joints. Especially if its white. I used to have a coping saw, no idea what I did with it. They are pretty inexpensive.
Yeah, I didn't end up doing it. I pushed mowed the dog's yard until I got hot and my hand was hurting so I quit and made peanut butter fudge.
I cut molding myself once... the last 4-5 corners turned out great... the others... looked like a retard did it. and I was too cheap to redo it... fuck it.
I wanted to do it so I could be proud of myself, but I can't measure or draw straight lines and it just doesn't sound like fun. I need to get one of those rent-a-husbands.
Along with a few digits. :biggrin: Just kidding be careful. Plastic should cut fine you will prolly want to clean the edges up. Those corner pieced you speak of I think are to make it fancy and easier at the same time. If its a straight 90deg angle then there is no real angle cut the trim butts right up to the corner piece. I have not the patience to be a really good trim guy. My advice is measure twice or even three or four times and cut once. Getting the angle and length right makes the seams tight and the look 100 percent better. One thing I hate though is working around corners that are not true i.e. 88Deg instead of 90Deg. angle.
Tee hee hee, you said trim..... I have to put down some base board, Everything is relatively 90, I guess if you have the angle you can cut it in half no matter what (if it was 95 degrees you would just go 47.5) I guess.
I don't know why I screw those up even I'll have the measurement perfect and will cut the wrong side. For instance the outside angle where I needed an inside angle. Then I start getting disgusted with the amount of scrap I end up with.