Warren Buffet is giving away most of his fortune to the Bill and Melissa Gates foundation. Buffet and Gates as two individuals have then contributed 100 Billion to fighting poverty and disease. Lets just hope they don`t pour it down the same drain as most of the industrialized worlds aid to the poor. There are countless countries that has recieved billions allready, with nothing to show for it, but new generations of leeches on international welfare. While saluting these remarkable individuals. One is compelled to ask for a poll.
You can give a starving man a fish and he can eat to live another day. You can teach him to fish and if he is ambitious enough he can learn to support himself.
Teach Bill Gates to fish, and he’ll build a tartar sauce factory and eventually corner the market.* *Source = internet. Duh.
The Romans had a lot of strange fish-dishes. As for BillGates destroying a sane internet to support his hordes of commercial cloobs. He might have set the idea of the free internet back a few hundred years by his methods, but who is to sAY THAT another wouldnt do the same thing. At least he recognizes what he did and adress it !!! ( By giving his fortune away, wich might nbe small as to the technology that was fucked, but were the heck was it spread in the first place )!!!! Capitalism sucks deep throat !!!
The give a man a fishing pole vs give him a fish argument obviously does not apply to medical research aimed at creating new vaccines and the like aimed at the number one killers of people in third world countries ie malaria. The main motivating factor in all the trash talk coming from Europe is jealousy at more American accomplishments.
Because yet as socialized as our medicine is here in the states it still benefits from the advantages of free market enterprise. So the argument would work in a different context. Give a man capitalism and his destiny is now up to his own efforts. He could be like Evil Bill.
Big medicine was never a private enterprise thing. The public hospitals was the big one. Free market enterprise is more about boob-jobs. Amd as for free market military industrial complexes. JFK aint forgotten. I met this lady from down those test range states. Her face was a product of that nuclear spray. Her boys are not fooled.
The USantimonopolylaws have been good for democracy. European envy on the othetr hand seems superfluoud to comment. Illiterate obeeze passportless people with a smaller part of their nations wealth ( less vacation as well ) Its not the thing one envies,
Whadta merican acomplishmensit!+ What did uyouy create ? Not the shouldre of giants thing but plain. It aint much. Not the art of flying, not the jet, not the nuke , not th e telephone. WWW yeas in a way, but most was doen by euroes. No Danny boy ! First heart transplant was in sweden and what is new. You are good peddlers, and quite big and strong. What accomplishments ? Keeping Cuba poor ?!? Owning heavy cars ?? tHERE ARE AMERICAN ACCOMPLISHMENTS DANSON. But you dont know shit about them, If you are a medical doctor then god bless you. Its important work. It allso tells me that surgery will be preformed by machines prettt soon.
You morons are starting to believe your own bullshit. Noone else is. Maybe you can tell me why peolple in Germany can graduate medical school and still not get a job and get paid barely more than a nurse.
Why don't you tell me where the first artificial heart was implanted and where they are continuing to work on artificial hearts. Why don't you tell me where all the research underpinning all of modern science was published? American medical journals. Comparing american medical research to German medical research is like comparing the NBA to a girls high school basketball team.
Love getting you gassed up Xerx True actually. A wise man once said: "Moderation is a good thing when moderatly applied." Something like that and he was true in saying so.
ALL of modern science ?!? Damdan ! That quite impressive ! US morons would probably be the europeans, or is it "foreigners" all in all ? All else would probably be the 300mill living in the states ? Or do you mean to say that the rest of tyhe world follows your worldview ? Comparing Germany alone with USA, is a bit like comparing NYstate alone with Europe. Your mode of discussion in unsyncronized absolutes bores me. [/quote]Love getting you gassed up Xerx Quote: The USantimonopolylaws have been good for democracy. True actually. A wise man once said: "Moderation is a good thing when moderatly applied." Something like that and he was true in saying so.
Have to concede! The rest of the world is a world behind the US. In all weaponsrelated research. Not just medicine. But as for basic science old Europe still contributes its fair share. Lucerne aint alone in that respect. A lot of the time you can allso see US(liberal?)media writing about experiments done in the US that were done first in Europe, while they portray it as a purely american experiment.
What exeperiments are those? If you are talking about the hand transplant tranplanted onto a criminial in France who almos immediately stopped taking his immunosuppressive medications and the hand died then yeah Europe pulled the trigger first in it's human experiment on a psychologically unbalanced ignorant criminal. Whereas in the US they more carefully selected the transplant recipient and his transplant is still viable.
Sending particles back in time was first done in Denmark. Your whole "if you are thinking of" and then filling in with one specific example that you were thinking of is a bit off the wall dan. The French allso introduce new tech in planes and cars quite early. Improving those methods don`t retract from the original achievement. Or I could write a bit dan-like about US achievements. Oh yes. Waiting untill europe developes the prototypes and then "mysteriously" coming up with similar solutions. What a coincidence that your espionage is based around private firms like Carlyle that allso take "security"-contracts with private firms.